Author's Note

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Hello! The author, Galactic here! Thanks for reading my short story It Started With A Project! I have a bad obsession with Kamijirou so I write about them CONSTANTLY. By the time I post this note with the last chapter I will be halfway complete through another Kamijirou book I'm currently writing on! All artwork, including the cover was created by myself! You can find more of my work on Instagram @galactic_flow_draws

Originally when Kami and Jirou were in her dorm, they were supposed to sleep on the bed together, but I scrapped that idea because lets face it, unless they were already super close, no one would do that in real life. I try to make the scenarios at least true to what people in real life would do.

There was originally supposed to be a scene where they messed around with paint and wouldn't stop giggling with each other, that scene was also scrapped because of how Jirou mentioned she didn't want her bedsheets ruined.

The ending was actually supposed to be when Kaminari saved Jirou from Hivemind, but I extended the story because I really wanted the other Class A girls to get involved. Ashido was originally supposed to walk by their dorm and catch them kissing, but that didn't seem like a good ending to me.

The epilogue was a fun little add on I did for laughs, someone mentioned that they wanted to see Bakugo beat up by Jirou so I implied it through a training exercise. It ended as a draw by the way, so the match was pretty long.

Anyways, thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed!

Stay updated for my next Kamijirou book, Finally Found! C'ya in the next one!

It Started With A Project (Kamijiro)Where stories live. Discover now