Chapter Eleven: A Dismal Day

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Author's Note: My bad guys! I uploaded the wrong chapter lol. Here's Chapter 11! I guess Chapter 12 got released early then!

Kaminari was the second to last to return to the hospital lobby after being checked, since he was the person to make physical contact with Hivemind, they were extra cautious to make sure he was alright; physically and mentally. He virtually had no injuries besides pieces of glass lodged in his leg from smashing the window, and rope-like burns on his neck from Jirou. He had a bandage wrap around his neck he'd keep on for a few days until it healed.

It was 11 PM at night. The other students who'd been hit with a venomous stinger would all have to stay for at least 24 hours, otherwise Hivemind could take control of them again before the venom had time to leave their systems.

"That's unique," Kaminari heard Midoriya speaking with Ashido and Kirishima, with Bakugo sitting several seats away.

"I was only immune because the stingers couldn't penetrate my skin whenever I used my quirk, but that's really cool, Ashido," Kirishima said as he looked at his arms.

"What is? What are you talking about?" Kaminari asked, sitting in the chairs beside him.

"Oh, hi Kaminari, glad you're okay," Midoriya greeted.

"Well when the nurse checked me, she told me I actually got stung on my legs a few times but hadn't noticed. Apparently the acid in my body neutralizes the effects so I'm basically immune," Ashido pointed her thumbs to herself in triumph.

"Kaminari, how'd you manage to take Hivemind down? Did you ever get stung?" Kirishima asked, pumping his fists.

"No, I didn't, but it happened really fast," Kaminari replied looking down at his hands. "I knew I couldn't go overboard on my quirk, otherwise it'd short circuit the whole building and shock everyone inside it. So I fried him with a punch so I wouldn't hurt anyone," Kaminari took his hand, feeling the medical bandage around his neck.

"I thought you didn't get stung? Are you alright?" Midoriya leaned forward concerned.

"No, I didn't get stung. It was a mistake I let Jirou get stung though," Kaminari looked down with a sad expression. "Hivemind took control and she nearly strangled me."

"Then it's not your fault man, it's that bug brain's fault. Jirou wasn't in the right mind either," Kirishima comforted him.

Just then, Iida walked out into the lobby with a nurse.

"Excuse me, miss, are all of our classmates okay?" Midoriya caught the nurse before she walked past.

"They'll all be perfectly fine, dear. They need to stay under close watch though, we don't know when Hivemind will take control again," she replied with light uneasiness laced in her voice. "We needed to make sure they were asleep in case that situation on the lawn happened again, so they'll be here until tomorrow night."

"Are we allowed to see them?" Kirishima asked, standing from his chair.

"Certainly," she said sweetly, opening the door, leading them into the hall. "There were so many of you that some had to be spread out into other rooms, but your classmates should be in rooms..." the nurse paused to swipe a clipboard off the wall, reading off a list. "Rooms 132, 133 and 134."

"Thank you miss!" Ashido thanked, waving as the nurse left. Iida decided to come with them too, Bakugo was the only one who stayed behind.

The group of 5 entered room 133 first. There were 14 out of the total 20 students who had been injured. No doubt this coverage would be all over the media. Kaminari wondered what this meant for the UA dorms. Would they be deemed unsafe and torn down? Or would they just add extra precautionary security measures?

Room 132 and 133 both held 5 people each, the last room, 134, held the last 4 people. Inside the plain, white room, two beds were aligned on each opposing wall, with a 5th at the farthest from the door. Koda, Oijirou, Aoyama, Mineta and Sato occupied the beds, no one seemed to be awake though, so they traveled to the room next-door, finding Asui, Todoroki, Uraraka, Yaoyorozu, and Tokoyami. These people had been affected the worst, as Hivemind found their quirks very useful, and made them overwork themselves to the point of exhaustion. Sadly, no one was awake here either. The last room was room 134, with Shouji, Hagakure, Sero, and Jirou.

"I don't think anyone's gonna be awake for a while. . ." Ashido said solemnly, looking at everyone on their beds. "I feel bad. I feel like I should've been affected with them somehow, y'know? Why do they have to suffer while I don't? Not that I want to be mind controlled but- I just feel so guilty," Ashido confessed, looking over Hagakure sadly.

"They'll wake up soon, and we could totally make gifts for them!" Kirishima said, trying to lift her spirits.

"Great idea Kirishima," Iida piped in enthusiastically. "We must ensure our classmates feel well as soon as possible!"

"We could have a little party for when everyone's discharged," Midoriya added.

"OoOooh, there'll be food and everything!" Ashido clapped as the other three boys brainstormed with each other. "Hey Kaminari-" Ashido left the three to talk to find Kaminari, but she paused when she saw him sitting on Jirou's bed. Jirou was fast asleep.

A nurse entered the room, briefly speaking with Iida, Kirishima and Midoriya. In a few moments they all quietly left.

"Excuse me, it appears your teachers are here, they requested you 6 should probably head home," the nurse said to Ashido, about to make her way to Kaminari.

"Miss-" Ashido stopped the lady before she took another step. She glanced behind the woman's shoulder, finding Kaminari with a hand over his face. "I think he's going to need one more minute," Ashido said faintly.

"Oh-" the nurse took a glance and then nodded, leading Ashido back out. From the corner of her eye, Ashido saw Kaminari lean on the side of the bed with his head down.

She hoped he was alright.

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