Epilogue: Training Day

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Jirou was in her hero gear, feeling the new fabric on her upgraded gloves. She kept opening and reclosing her fist, antsy for her turn on the field to come.

"I know you're antsy, you're doing that face," a familiar voice woke her out of her thoughts.

"This is only my preparation face," Jirou looked up at a lovely handsome blonde.

"I know you'll be fine, you're a strong person Kyoka," Kaminari yawned tiredly, slipping his headpiece on. It was Tuesday of the next week, and the students were practicing new quirk techniques against opponents with different ranges.

"Oh, I'm not worried, kind of excited actually," Jirou and Kaminari looked up, hearing two new names being called as a defeated Sero walked off the court with Iida.

"Jirou and Bakugo, you're next," Sensei Aizawa motioned his head as Jirou left Kaminari's side. He gave her two thumbs up, beaming his famous dorky smile.

"Don't hold back Earphones," Bakugo growled at her.

"You know, I should be thanking you Bakugo," Jirou stepped onto the opposite side of the field fixing one of her new gloves.

"What are you going on about?"

"Without you, I would've never been locked in my dorm," Jirou raised a knob on her glove to set her speakers to max.

Bakugo held a confused expression.

"I know I probably won't fair with your close range attacks, but it doesn't mean I'm going easy. So anyways," she crackled her knuckles and with one swift motion, slammed her fists onto the ground sending a shockwave that tossed Bakugo back. "Thanks a lot Bakugo!"

"Man, Jirou's new upgraded gloves are awesome, right Kami?" Sero leaned to whisper to Kaminari. "Kami?"

"She's so cool," Kaminari practically looked like he was crying.

"But. . . aren't you dating her?" Sero asked.

"Yeah, but she's still freaking amazing though," Kaminari whimpered crying as Sero rolled his eyes.

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