Chapter Four: Tension

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Kaminari heard another notification from his phone.

'Hey, I still have your hoodie.' Jirou had texted.

Kaminari buried his face in his hands, blushing in silence behind his door. He built the courage to look back up at his phone screen, quietly texting her back from his dorm.

'Yeah, I'll come get it when I bring the paint and stuff over.' Kaminari had replied.

Jirou glanced over at the yellow faded sweatshirt hanging over a chair's backrest. She was leaned against the back of her door with her knees up to her chest, she brought her phone back up to her face.

'Okay, I'll have the canvas ready.' She finally responded.

They were really still doing this?

They had both agreed to work on the project this night to get it done before next Wednesday, but after what just happened both of them just wanted to die.

What they didn't know was that they were both worried the other thought they'd be avoiding them if they didn't agree to go.

Wow what a mouthful, anyway-

Jirou brought herself up from her spot, gathering some pajama clothes and two towels, leaving toward the dorm showers. Kaminari, unknowingly to Jirou, left to head to the boys showers, just missing one another in the hallway. Kaminari was the first to finish his, hearing the faint echo of singing from the showers.

Gosh, her voice is beautiful. NO STOP THAT.

Here we go again.


Kaminari entered his dorm, drying off his hair with his towel and checking the time. It was only 7:15 PM, and both he and Jirou were night owls anyway so they'd probably get a good portion done. He heard a notification from his phone about five minutes later, thinking it was Jirou.

'KAMI!' An excited Ashido frantically typed in all caps. 'KAMI, KAMI, KAMIAMIAMILJNEJWEIBK!' Her words became in articulate babbles and spammed letters.



Kaminari muted her, scrunching up his face, and flopping onto his bed. He heard another buzz from his phone.

"I thought I muted you Ashido," Kaminari sighed picking up his phone, finding out it was Jirou. He still noticed the 8 other messages from Ashido however, the one he read on his lock screen only said 'Hagakure and Asui knows too.' And from that point he didnt want to read any more of her texts.

'I tried drying your sweatshirt out a bit.' Jirou said simply.

'Thanks, I finished my shower, I'll be over.' Kaminari replied leaving his bed, he hesitated to grab the door handle, like if he left he'd be subjected to possibly more death by embarrassment.

Jirou was in her dorm with a towel wrapped around her head, trying to shift aside all the instruments she had into unnoticeable nooks and crannies of her room. Though it didnt necessarily work since the dorms didn't have closets. Kaminari had seen her bedroom before, but she didn't want a repeat of what happened during the school festival. She couldn't tell if his compliments were sincere or just him being outrageously extroverted. She jumped when a knock at her door scared her.

"Delivery," Kaminari's voice muffled from behind the door as she slowly looked out, finding him holding up the bag.

"I don't remember ordering a blonde idiot, hmm, something's wrong," Jirou tapped her chin as Kaminari yelled a defiant 'Hey!', opening her door to let him in.

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