Chapter Ten: Saved By A Blonde

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Kaminari took his right hand, lifting it up to reach Hivemind.

"What's this, a surrender?" The insectoid villain cackled at Kaminari.

"You wish," Kaminari said coarsely through his grit his teeth and clenched his hand into a tight fist, socking him straight in the gut. Hivemind stumbled back winded out, and before he knew it, the sensation of electricity flowed throughout his body in painful, jeering convulsions.

 Hivemind stumbled back winded out, and before he knew it, the sensation of electricity flowed throughout his body in painful, jeering convulsions

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Kaminari backed up, breathing hard breathes, watching as the villain slowly crumpled like a fly who'd burned inside a lamp light. His insect eyes flickered yellow before turning completely black. Jirou suddenly sucked in a gasp for air, faltering sideways onto the floor. Her eyes flickered yellow as Kaminari grabbed her upright.

"Jirou? Jirou, it's me," he plucked the tiny spike from her arm as she blinked a few times. She didn't know where she was, what she did or what had happened, but when her vision fixed itself, she was met with a tear-filled Kaminari.

Kaminari had never felt so happy to see her indigo colored pupils, giving a sigh of relief on the floor and embracing her in a tight hug. His arms came to wrap around her neck as she stared bewildered, but she returned the favor by hugging him around the waist. Jirou had absolutely no clue what had just went down, but she didn't care, because in his arms, she felt safe.

She so badly wanted to kiss him.

And he, the same.

"Are you guys alright?" The 'ding' of the elevator seperated the two, as a battered Iida steamed toward them. "I became trapped on the fourth floor-" Iida slowed to a stop glaring at the bee-like villain crumpled onto the floor in the fetal position.

Jirou sucked in a painful breath when the adrenaline left her body, and she hadn't noticed she'd been impaled by a stinger until now.

"We need to get you and the other students to the infirmary, the villain may be unconscious but we don't know the potency of the venom in his stingers," Iida said reaching a hand out to both of them.

"Kaminari, Iida, Jirou!" Ashido nearly tripped on her way out through the elevator. "What happened?! Midoriya, Kirishima and I were downstairs but everyone else had been stung, even Todoroki."

"Jirou notified me on this floor and I went to retrieve the others, but taking on your classmates is far more difficult than fighting a villain," Iida replied.

"Jirou, Kaminari, what about you?" Ashido came up to hug Jirou.

"I. . ," Jirou stared down at the welt forming on her arm. "I don't remember," she said still somewhat in a daze.

"What about the villain?" Ashido asked before gasping in shock. "Oh my gosh is he dead?"

"One would hope," Iida said cautiously, eyeing the dead bug on the floor. "What happened here Kaminari?"

"His name is Hivemind," Kaminari said with repulsion to the name. "He said he was creating a new generation of villains, and used us as the first game pieces. He took Jirou," Kaminari spoke between clenched teeth. "So I electrocuted him."

A few moments later sirens began to wail outside as paramedics and medical personnel rushed inside, along with a few Pro Heros and police. All the students evacuated the building safely, the hospital allowed every student to stay for the night, since their dormitory wasn't safe at the moment.

"He forced me to use my ice quirk without letting me use my fire," Todoroki clutched his frozen, right arm speaking to a nurse outside.

All the students were herded into the front lawn and accounted for, all embracing each other in hugs and relieved sighs. About 75% had been accidentally stabbed by a stinger somehow, the only students not affected were Kaminari, Iida, Ashido, Midoriya, Kirishima and Bakugo. Kirishima and Ashido were some of the ones who were immune.

The hero Hound Dog had picked up Hivemind by the shirt collar, mumbling angrily to the unconscious villain about the safety of the kids. He had been handcuffed and his forearms wrapped so he couldn't shoot any more people.

"You're all alright?" Mr. Aizawa ran over to them concerned. "I got a call that the dormitory had been broken into."

"I think we're fine," Ashido replied, glancing across her classmates. Todoroki was still holding his hand, Yaomomo looked dreadfully pale. Gazing across all of her friends they looked tired and worn out, Uraraka looked like she might puke. "Well, some of us."

"YOU CAN'T HOLD ME!" A distinct buzzing voice fervently boomed. "MY PLAYING CARDS ARE STILL OWNED BY ME!" He squirmed around in Hound Dog's grasp. Hivemind's eyes flickered from yellow to black before they were fully encapsulated by a golden aura.

Ashido gazed in horror, turning around when Kaminari bumped into her.

All of her classmates suddenly gripped their heads, some fell to their knees, making painful noises Ashido didn't want to hear.

"Jirou?" Ashido came up to her friend, tapping her on the shoulder. When she turned her eyes were an electric yellow, and she stood poised like a perfectly aligned soldier, staring at her leader.

"I AM STILL IN CONTROL, YOU CANNOT-" Hivemind hollered before Hound Dog silenced him. Mr. Aizawa went to assist Hound Dog as they disappeared in the patrol van. A few moments later all her friend's eyes returned to normal as they simultaneously staggered in a group in front of her.

Ashido noticed Kaminari catch Jirou from falling, speaking to her in a soft tone afterward. Jirou gripped her head, holding her fingers to her temples.

Ashido knew it must've been painful for him to watch her turn so easily.

"You all need to get to the hospital," a nurse ushered a now puking Uraraka into an ambulance. "For all we know the venom could stay in your systems for a very long time.

"Jirou-" Kaminari reached out for her as she was helped along by another paramedic. "Let me go with her," he pleaded.

"I'm sorry, but all unharmed students need to go in another ambulance, we must prioritize the ones who are sick," the paramedic replied heartbrokenly.

Ashido watched Kaminari's face squelch up like his heart probably did. He, Ashido, Iida, Midoriya, Kirishima and Bakugo all hopped into an ambulance together.

Ashido noticed Kaminari bent down with his elbows on his knees, holding his head. She knew how badly he probably wanted to be with Jirou.

She hoped they'd both find each other at the end of all this.

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