Chapter Three: Suspecting Hunch

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Kaminari laid flat on his bed, face down with his arms sprawled out. It was still Friday, and only 5 PM. He jolted himself up when he heard his phone buzz, wondering who it was.

'Hey, if you're ready I am.' Kyoka texted.

Kaminari sat up from his bed, slipping on a hoodie and closing his dorm door.

'Yep, you have the list?' He replied back.

'Down the hall.' She said as he looked back up, she was waving and had changed from her UA uniform, now wearing a blue faded, elbow length shirt with black shorts.

"Okay, the closest craft store is only five blocks from here," Jirou caught up to Kaminari, reading over her list before sticking it in her pocket.

They signed out at the main lobby and were excused until 7, which they probably wouldn't be out that long anyway, but fate had a funny way of bringing them together. They spent their walk talking about school, which moved onto ridiculous topics brought up by Kaminari, sending Jirou into a fit of laughter. His stupidity showed no bounds.

"Kaminari, didn't I hear you and Sero talking about this earlier?" Jirou looked up at him with a skeptical face.

"It IS  possible, I'll find a really long straw and prove it," Kaminari urged as she only shook her head.

"Sero's only going to flood the straw with water if you DID  try," she mocked.

"You have no faith in me," Kaminari crossed his arms almost whining.

"Oh wait- its here," Jirou took a few steps back stopping in front of a shop with a red door. Through the windows were shelves filled with arts and crafts items.

What they didnt notice was that Toru Hagakure and Tsuyu Asui were in the store with them.

"Okay, we dont need anything huge-" Jirou turned around watching as Kaminari froze with a giant multicolored paint kit.

"Right, nothing huge-" he slowly put it back as Jirou puffed out a snort.

Cute. Wait, did I just think that was cute? GAH, IM FEELING ALL WEIRD AGAIN.

Kaminari is currently dying.


Jirou pointed to a shelf toward an array of small paint tubes a little bigger than the size of their palm.

"Isn't that Jirou and Kaminari?" Hagakure pointed as Asui glanced over.

"They probably needed things for their project too," Asui said, placing a finger on her bottom lip.

The two girls watched as Jirou and Kaminari exchanged some words, they were too far away to hear what they were saying, but from what they saw they guessed something flirtatious. Jirou kept reaching for paint on the higher shelves as Kaminari grabbed them to mock her, sticking his tongue out. She seemed to complain, hopping up on her toes to grab them back, lightly pushing his side in an affectionate shove.

"I never knew Jirou was so close with Kaminari, ribbit," Asui mentioned. "She's not like that in school."

"Hey yeah, you're right," Hagakure rubbed her invisible chin, making an invisible snark face.

"I know I can't see your facial expression, but judging by your silence I can tell what you're thinking," Asui said from behind her, wandering back into the aisle to continue shopping. "Let's finish shopping before you decide to ruin their lives."

"Fine," Hagakure followed Asui, disappearing back into the rows of shelves.

"If we're here in the store all day we wont get time to actually  paint, Kaminari," Jirou swatted him, nabbing the paint tubes from him to plop inside a shopping basket. "Just the paintbrushes now," she swiveled on her heels, passing by some paintbrushes and grabbing a variety of sizes.

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