Chapter 10: Firestarter

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A few hours later, Castiel wakes up with a mask on his face and soft snoring next to him. He looks down to see Dean asleep, his head resting near Castiel's hand. Dean's soft hair is temptingly close to Castiel's fingers, and he does everything he can to stop himself from petting the handsome man.

One of the nurses quietly enters the room. Her eyes dart between Castiel and Dean. "He was anxious about you, begged the girl at the desk to let him back. It was adorable," she whispers.

Shaking his head, he looks at Dean and huffs a small breath. "Oh, to be young and stupid again," he says, voice low and scratchy.

The woman giggles slightly and goes about checking on Castiel. "Your oxygen levels look much better. You have got to learn to take it easy, Mr. Novak. Nothing strenuous. Whatever it was that caused this episode can wait," she chastens.

"Yeah, yeah. I don't want to deal with it anyway," Castiel grumbles.

"My advice to you. Go home with your boyfriend, get lost in each other, and sleep the next couple of days away. Things will get better, but you seriously need to relax," the nurse eyes Castiel.

"You're telling me that sex isn't stressful?" Castiel huffs slightly.

"Let him do all the work," she supplies with a knowing smile.

Castiel nods with a smirk. "I like that advice. Do you counsel everyone like that?" He asks, incredibly curious.

She laughs, shaking her head. "No, just the incredibly cute couples. You should be out of here in about another hour, Mr. Novak," the nurse nods to Dean. "You might want to wake him." Just as quietly as she entered, she leaves. The sound of the machine and the oxygen surround the two men.

Castiel stretches and bumps his hand against Dean's forehead, attempting to wake the sleeping man.

Dean softly groans as he rouses from his sleep. His eyes blink open before looking up at Castiel with a small yawn. "Sorry, I fell asleep. Everything okay?" He asks, his eyes moving to the monitors before looking back at Cas.

"Yeah, but you missed the part where the nurse told you to have sex with me," Castiel smiles, eyes sparkling. "She said I need to relax more. I still need to get the phone, but I'm exhausted. That's going to have to wait a couple of days," he shifts in the bed. "About an hour, I should be discharged for the second time." Castiel shakes his head. "All because I didn't let Samantha clean when I was working on inventory," he huffs.

Dean looks down at this watch, checking the time. "In an hour? Wow, that's so..." he pauses, and his eyes widen. "I'm sorry the nurse said what?" He asks, blinking a few times as the words reach his sleep hazed mind.

"She said that you should take care of me sexually," Castiel smiles wide. "If you want to, that is," he bites his lip from under the mask.

Dean cocks a brow, studying Castiel's expression before a grin spreads across his face. "I don't know, will she let you take the hospital gown and oxygen mask?" Dean smirks at Castiel, trying to exude more confidence than he feels.

"Got a thing for the sick and helpless, Dean?" Castiel grows serious, leveling his eyes with the other man's.

"A thing for you apparently," Dean's eyes narrow slightly, meeting Castiel's intense blue gaze. He swallows, feeling his mouth go dry.

Castiel barks out a laugh. "You look like someone caught you with your hand in the cookie jar," Castiel chides. "I'm just joking with you. You're going to have to learn that I have a wicked sense of humor," he laughs again, then it's cut short by a small coughing fit.

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