Chapter 11: Turn Up The Heat

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Castiel is out of the car and to the door in no time at all. It only took that ghost of a grin on Dean's face to put his ass in gear. He holds the screen door open for the other man as he unlocks the deadbolt. "I hope you like craft beer," Castiel warns. "It's all I've been drinking lately." Castiel shrugs and walks into the house.

Dean smiles brightly, following Castiel into his house. "Yeah, craft beer sounds awesome," he nods. "I was going to say this earlier, but you have a great place here," he compliments with a grin.

Blushing slightly, Castiel wanders past the dining room and disappears into the kitchen. "Oh, uh, thank you," he mutters while opening the refrigerator. Pulling out two beers, he crosses the room and grabs the bottle opener. He pops the tops and hands one to Dean and leans against the counter. "So, what made you want to get into your line of work?"

"Thanks," Dean accepts the beer and takes a quick sip, tasting the beverage. He makes a low hum of approval and shrugs, looking back up at Castiel. "Oh, you know, got stuck in my firefighter phase as a kid and never grew out of it," he smiles. "What about you?" Dean smirks.

"Why did I choose to run a den of ill repute?" Castiel laughs. "Rebellion, I suppose," Castiel looks down at his beer, his eyes holding hurt and uncertainty.

Dean raises his brow a bit, taking another sip. "Rebellion?" He questions, studying Castiel's face. "That sounds like a story when you're ready to tell me," he smiles softly, looking down at the bottle. "This beer is excellent," he offers, giving the other man an out.

"Yeah, it is. I found it at some tiny store when I was on my way back from a convention. I suppose I was saving it for something special," Castiel says, looking up at Dean. "I, uh..." he trails off, getting lost in the green eyes before him.

"Hmm?" Dean raises a brow and can feel his neck and face flush under Castiel's gaze. He takes an involuntary step closer.

"I suppose this is as good an occasion as any, huh?" Castiel's eyes dart to Dean's plush lips, slick with beer. "I'm sorry, I don't entertain often. I'm not sure what to do in this situation," Castiel reveals breathily.

Dean swallows, taking another small pull from the bottle. "I can think of a few things," he says low, licking the excess beer off his lips.

"What do you have in mind?" Castiel asks, taking a mirroring sip of his own beverage. He places the bottle on the countertop and braces his arms behind him. Castiel crosses his legs at his knees, his thighs bunching under his tight pants. His arms flex slightly as they take his weight, and Castiel waits.

Biting down on his lip, Dean's eyes flick over Castiel's body. He takes in a deep breath as he meets the blue of the other man's eyes again and feels himself take yet another step as though the man in front of him was a magnet. "Well, that does depend on who you're entertaining," Dean smirks. "Doesn't it?"

Castiel nods slowly, unable to turn his gaze away. "Well, it's only you and me, right?" He affirms.

"I don't see anyone else here," Dean agrees. He sighs softly, wishing he had the confidence to reach out, grab and pull Castiel into him. But Dean also knows Castiel needs to rest, and he doesn't want to push and cause another episode. Dean clears his throat. "I could cook or grab us some dinner, if you're hungry," he blinks, looking back up.

"Dean, you're the guest at my house. I would cook for you, but you don't have to stick around for me. As much as I enjoy your company, I know you have to be busy," Castiel says, leaning forward slightly. He slowly blinks, grinning at Dean.

"I don't have anywhere else to be, Sweetheart," Dean returns Castiel's grin. "And I don't mind cooking. The nurse said you need to rest, right?" He lifts a brow.

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