Chapter 9: Up In Smoke

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Try as Castiel might, learning that Dean is interested in someone else, really puts a damper on his day. The entire ride to the parking lot of his burnt-out store, Castiel pouts. He will be the first to admit that when things do not go his way, Castiel is not above sulking. He broods in this thoughts and is quiet while Dean drives. At least it confirmed one thing, Dean is into men; unfortunately for Castiel, Dean already had someone. He should have seen it coming. Now Castiel knows he has to apologize for his teasing and his earlier behavior at the hospital. This all sucks so much!

During the drive to Castiel's shop, Dean steals glances over at the man, appreciating how good the man looks sitting in his passenger seat. He's not sure but feels almost a shift in Castiel's mood on the drive. Dean wonders if he said or did something wrong, but also realizes how rough it could be seeing a business you own charred and lifeless. So he keeps his mouth shut and eyes on the road, trying not to notice when they wander to admire Castiel's profile. He thought maybe Castiel was as into him as Dean was, but maybe the guy just liked to flirt and make Dean the blushing mess he seemed to turn into around the alluring man.

Castiel eyes the shell of the fire-gutted building and sighs deeply. He does send a small prayer of thanks to the gods that he parked his car on the other end of the parking lot. "Over there," Castiel points at his tan jalopy.

Dean eyes the car and raises his eyebrow slightly at it. He smiles briefly, thinking the vehicle fits Castiel well. "Nice wheels," Dean pulls up next to it and puts the car in park. He takes in a breath tapping his fingers on the wheel. "Um, I know you said you were fine, but really, I'm free if you needed help or just wanted the company," Dean offers.

Turning in his seat, Castiel smiles at Dean, the edges a little downturned. "I appreciate the ride over. I feel like I should apologize for my behavior in the hospital. I should have known better. I hope you can forgive me," he looks down, slightly embarrassed. "I have your phone number should I need anything, but I think it might be better just to be friends," Castiel blinks. 

Of course, Castiel must have picked up on Dean's lack of experience. His face falls slightly at the last word. Friends. "Sure," he nods and tries to smile. "You don't have to apologize," he shifts in the seat slightly. "You didn't do anything to apologize for."

Castiel pushes his way out of Dean's car, a slight ache in his chest. "Thank you again for all of the help. I really hope you'll be careful and not run into any more burning buildings to save some damsel in distress. Unless that's your kinda thing," Castiel grins and winks.

Dean chuckles and returns Castiel's grin. "Apparently, it is. I kind of made it my career," he shrugs. "So, it looks like I made the right choice," he looks down and picks at something on his jeans, wishing he had more time with Castiel.

Chuckling, Castiel closes the door behind him, then pats the roof of the car. Slowly, he wanders over to his vehicle and reaches into his pants for the keys. He trips slightly over the uneven pavement and falls onto the asphalt.   

Dean's eyes widen, and he quickly undoes his belt and exits the car swiftly. He rounds the car and takes a couple of steps towards Castiel, giving him a once over. "You alright?" Dean asks, holding out a hand to help him up.

Taking the offered hand, Castiel grabs onto the car bumper and hauls himself up. "Yeah, I think there is a rock or something. I didn't see it," he explains, then brushes himself off. "I swear, I'm not that clumsy," Castiel confesses, looking down at himself, checking for dirt or scrapes. 

"Didn't think you were, Sweetheart," Dean chuckles, watching Castiel. He makes a fist with the hand he had offered Cas, still feeling a tingling sensation from the touch.

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