Chapter 23: Burn It Down

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Castiel is quiet the entire time they're in the car until Dean rounds the corner a few blocks from his house. "Dean, you don't need to be here for this. Actually, it might be better if you just drop me off and go," Castiel warns. He runs his hands over his face, groaning at what he knows is coming. All of the years gone, and he doesn't understand how she found him. What could she possibly want now?

Dean glances over at Castiel, trying his best to focus on the road. He drums lightly on the wheel and lets out a soft sigh. "If that's what you really, I mean, really want, then I'll go," Dean starts carefully. "I don't know what's going on, but you don't need to face whatever this is alone," he offers. "I know we're not together, but I consider you a friend before any of that, and friends have each other's backs," he nods.

Sighing, Castiel shakes his head. He keeps his words to himself as they pull closer to his house. In the street, a cherry red Corvette is parked in front, and on Castiel's porch stands two people. A man and a woman. Narrowing his eyes, he lets out an anguished cry, then anger is quickly spiking throughout his body. "That explains everything," Castiel whispers.

Dean eyes the car before glancing up at Castiel's porch, narrowing his eyes at the figures. He throws the Impala into park and cuts the engine, focusing all his attention on Castiel. "We can still leave if you want," he offers.

"I can't," Castiel grunts. "I have to get them to go away. This is my mess. You can do whatever you feel you need to do, Dean. I am not going to try to sway you into action. Thank you for the ride," he says, pushing his way out the door. He rounds the car and looks at his "guests," Castiel's eyes harden.

The taller man approaches Castiel. His blonde hair artfully styled and wearing a white button-up with a brown sweater wrapped around his shoulders. "It's been ages, Cassie," he greets and reaches out to pat Castiel on the shoulder.

Castiel reaches up quickly and pushes the reaching hand out of the way. "It's been ages for a reason," he growls.

"No need to be so wound up. We came for a little chat," the man says, and Castiel looks at the woman, warily.

The lady in question slowly retreats from the porch, joining the two men. "Castiel, love. You look, well," she purrs, eyes scanning the man in front of her. "I am sure you've met Balthazar. I hear the two of you have a history," she laughs.

"We do know each other, Hannah, that is correct," Castiel replies, coldly. "Why are you here?"

"Now, now, Castiel, is that any way to treat guests?" Hannah asks, stepping further into Castiel's personal space.

"You are not welcome here," Castiel grits between his teeth. "I wanted nothing to do with you when you broke my trust. I want you to go. Both of you," Castiel eyes both of them and waits.

"We have some business to discuss, Cassie," Balthazar cuts in, and reaches around Castiel to pull him in.

As smoothly as he can, Castiel is just out of Balthazar's reach and pushes him away. He freezes as Hannah slaps him hard across his face. He shuts down, his eyes downcast.

"That is enough, Castiel," Hannah chides, her voice hard.

"Oh fuck this," Dean mumbles, seeing the altercation. He pushes the door open swiftly, and the next thing he knows rushing towards the porch, glaring at the man and woman. "Okay, you two need to go," he says firmly. "Now," he finishes, glaring at the two. Who the fuck do these two think they were?

Balthazar turns his eyes to Dean. He scans the man, lust blatant in his gaze. "And who is this, Castiel?" He asks, closing the distance between himself and Dean. Offering his hand, Balthazar grins, his perfect teeth flashing. "I am Balthazar, Castiel ex-boyfriend," he croons, his British accent teasing. "This stunning woman beside me is Hannah. Surprisingly, Castiel's ex-girlfriend."

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