Chapter 10 Stay Strong.

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Amber's POV

"Please, can we at least talk about this first?" Kellan begged.

"There's nothing to talk about," I responded, bored.

After I had knocked out Jaxon, the other wolves ran off and we carried mom home.

She was currently resting in her room.

When she found out what had happened to dad, she hadn't said a word before shutting the world out.

Kellan sat on the couch with his head in his hands.

I watched as tears fell onto the ground and I couldn't take it anymore.

"I can't," I whispered.

"Please, Amber just listen to what I have to say."

I thought about it for a second.

In truth, I need comfort right now and the only willing person is Kellan .

But I know for sure he is my mate.

"Fine," I walked over and sat on the couch next to him.

"Wh-why do you hate me?" He stuttered.

Something inside me shattered and my eyes also built up with tears.

"I-I don't hate you, its just.."

What should I tell him?

The truth? Or not?

His eyes asked for an answer but that I might not be able to give him.


"Kellan, I-I don't," I shut up right there and I could see that his whole world came crashing down on him.

"You don't want me." he stated more than asked.

"No, I do! I-I guess I'm just not ready for something like this."

I know I practically just lied to him but what was I suppose to say? I don't want a mate and I reject you?

I could see the adorable little grin appear on his face and I smiled too.

It was all fake and I had a feeling he knew...

Kellan slowly took my hand in his.

"I'll wait forever if it means you accept me as you mate."

Should I accept him?

Of course not.

I was going to answer when the phone rang in the kitchen.

"I'll get it."

I ran up to get the phone and picked it up without checking who it was.

"Hi Amber, it's Alyssa, Jac and I were wondering if your mom is home?" Aunt Alyssa asked.

"She is actually taking a nap, what's wrong?"

"Nothing sweetie, we were just planing to come visit for a bit. I mean it your sixteenth birthday!" She screamed.

"Awesome, when she wakes up, I'll tell her alright but um can I call you later. I want to talk to you about something."

"Of course, you know you can always call me and I'll talk to you about anything. Anything," I could hear her smirk through the phone.

"Okay, I have to go right now, I'll call later."

"Ok bye Amber, love you."

"Love you too," I talked as slowly as possible.

When she finally hung up I went to the fringe and browsed through what we had.

"Amber," Kellan called.


"You never answered my question. Do you accept me?"

I ignored his question completely and pushed it aside.

"Do you want something to drink?"

He never answered and I glanced a look at him.

His eyes were a dark piercing red that burned through me.

"Okay, actually, do you want anything to eat?" I asked nervously.

His eyes turned back to normal but were sad and losing hope.

"Amber, that's what I'll become if you don't accept me."

"We have pizza, steak, or maybe... a salad?"

"I don't care about the food. Why won't you accept me?!" He screamed and pounded his fist on the table, breaking it in half.

"I'm sorry."

"Your sorry?! For what, constantly rejecting me?!"

His eyes turned black and I knew this wasn't him.

Even if this was his demon side. It's his demon.

I was angered that he could think he could speak to me like that.

"Actually, no I take that back. I hate you Kellan, and I never want to be your mate!"

"Fine! Then I Kellan Gray, reject you Amber Williamson, as my soul mate!"

"I accept your rejection," I said back to him not caring about the pain shooting through me and the whimpering of my wolf.

He stomped out of the house and slammed the door.

Running up to my room I cried and slid down the wall before curling in a ball.

Did I do the right thing?

What was that other side of Kellan that appeared out of nowhere.

Waiting a few minutes I gathered up my strength to stand up and sit on my bed with my phone.

I went to google and looked up 'vampire without a soul.'

What I found surprised me.

Without his soul mate, he will become a soul stealing crazed monster.

My stomach cramped up and I became tense.

Guilt rose within me.

I practically just killed my mate, the one I'm suppose to live... I took away his humanity.

Kellan's POV

I couldn't see anything but black.

It was as if I was in an endless world of death.

The smell of blood consumed me and I felt my body moving on its own.

Pretend your a puppet where your being controlled by a force you cannot see.

I am the puppet, my demon is controlling my body now.

Falling to my knees I felt the separation shatter and our words played over and over in my mind.

"I Kellan Gray, reject you, Amber Williamson!" My demon screamed and laughed at how I was feeling.

"I accept your rejection," the angelic voice said with confidence but I could hear the fear in her.

When I get my control back, I will have to fix all this.

I'll have to tell her the truth.

Let's just hope she will believe me...

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