Chapter 14 Finally Free

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Amber's POV

The sight from the plane was beautiful and peaceful. I always loved heights.

I felt free, alive, like nothing could touch me in this moment.

We were passing snowy mountains right now and I sat with my face to the window, admiring the view.

Though there was this old guy who kept eyeing me like I was a piece of meat. When he fell asleep, he snores louder than an alpha growl.

I sighed and sat back, feeling so relaxed.

Soon I became tired and I closed my eyes and enjoyed the peace sleep gave me.

***skip nap time😴***

"Excuse me miss?" I heard a young woman's voice call out.

I opened my eyes to see everyone left the plane but a few stray people.

I got up and made sure I had my phone.

Putting my hand in my pocket, I searched for my electronic, but came out empty handed. Checking the seat to make sure it didn't fall out, i grumbled in frustration.

Stupid old dude, he stole my phone!

Well that was a great new start to my life.

Oh well, I brought all my saving which I had made sure we're safe.

"Thank You," I mumbled other as I walked off the plane.

After picking up my luggage and leaving to pick up my car, I was on my way to find a place to stay.

Figuring I would be moving a lot, I decided on renting an apartment.

I should be safe here until I go into heat.

Seeing the beautiful Crystal blue oceans of Hawaii, made me realize that this is real.

I'm really gone.

Everything has changed since Kellan arrived, and now look. I'm a werewolf hiding from my mate, the one who destiny chose for me.

'Actually, I chose your mate,' Jordan finally talked to me.

She was mad about leaving and didn't want to move so far away from Kellan, but she knew better than to whine and complain like most of the wolves I've heard about.

'You know what I mean.'

'Whatever. Remember that when you go into heat, Kellan will be able to find you.'

'I remember.'

After unpacking everything in the apartment, I wasn't even tired. Instead I was energetic.

Where my apartment was I had a great view of the ocean and beach.

The sand was golden and shining under the sunset.

I sat on my front porch and watched all the little kids run around and play with their parents.

Seeing how much love was being passed between the families, made me miss my mom and dad.

But someone was cutting a deeper hole in my heart. Kellan.

I hadn't even been away from him for a day and I'm already consumed in guilt and sadness.

A couple of hours later the stars lit up the sky and my eyelids became heavy so I changed into my penguin pajamas and climbed into bed.

After thinking about what would happen in the future like, will Kellan find me?

Will the war still go on?

Could I still have my happy ever after, or be doomed to stay alone for the rest of my life?

Slipping into darkness, I fell into the best sleep I've had in months.

Maybe something good could come out of all this...

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