Chapter 11 Who is that?

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Amber's POV

Kellan didn't show up at school today and I'm starting to worry.

I mean, I can't call him or anything, we broke up.

Okay be calm you can do it.

I walked up to the stage and readied my papers.

"We'll always Remember
That special smile
That caring heart
That warm embrace
You always gave us.
You being there.
For mom and I.
Through good and bad times
No matter what.
We'll always remember
you dad because
There'll never be anyone
to replace you in our hearts.
And the love we will always
have for you will always remain."

I said my speech with all eyes on me as I walked up to his coffin and laid a picture of mom, dad and I playing on the beach. That was one of his favorite pictures and he loved going to that beach.

When I got down, mom instantly wrapped me up in a hug and held my hand tightly throughout the rest of the funeral.

***End of funeral/At home***

Aunt Ally(Alyssa) is going to be here soon and I already have my plan made up.

Mom doesn't know yet though. Only Aunt Ally.

She had helped me come up with the plan and is going to help me with it.

Coming out of my thoughts I heard a knock on the door and ran to answer it.

Opening the door, I expected my aunt to be there ready to hug me. But instead, Jaxon was there.

"What th-" he covered my mouth to silence me.

"Where is she?" He growled.

My eyes were wide as I stared into his dark and evil ones.

"Where is she?!"

He slammed me into the wall holding my throat.

I clawed at his hands and grasped for air.

"U-upstairs," I choked out.

Jaxon slammed my head into the wall one more time before I watched him run upstairs.

Black spots clouded my vision and I became drowsy.

Wanting to help my mother as she was dragged out of the house, I tried to stand up only to fall back down and was being pulled into darkness.

Last thing I saw was my aunt Ally and uncle Jac screaming my name as they stood above me.

Alyssa's POV

"Come on Jac, they're waiting for us!" I screamed at my husband.

"Fine, jeez woman."

"Excuse me?" I asked defensively.

His eyes widened and he pleaded to be forgivin.

"Sorry, love you!" He yelled while running out to the car.

This was like the fifth time he had stopped at a gas station.

We're five minutes away from Melanie's house and he couldn't wait?

I rolled my eyes and got back in the car, turning up the radio.

We listened to pop and rap before we arrived, just in time to see a black car driving away.

My wolf was nervous and I was fidgety.

As soon as the car stopped, I jumped out and ran inside the house with the door open wide.


"Amber!" Jac and I screamed with worry.

I saw her eye lids close and her breathing slowed.

My poor little niece was laying on the floor, unconscious.

As I was waiting for her to wake I noticed how she looked.

Her skin turned a light tan and her long brown hair was straight and taught.

Her stomach was flat and much smaller than what it used to be.

The face that was once full of freckles and pimples was now flawless and smooth.

She was beautiful before but now, now she was stunning!

Whoever her mate is, he is a very lucky guy to have such a smart, kind-hearted beautiful person for a mate.

Someone burst through the door and when I caught the stench of what it was I growled and stood above my niece.

The man hissed and told us to back off.

"Move!" His eyes turned a sickening black and he started shaking.

Jac stood protectingly in front of both Amber and I.

"Leave this house, vampire," he spit out and said it a voice I had never heard before.

I know that if this man doesn't leave he will be dead because of Jac's weapons he insisted on bringing.

Jac put his hand by his pocket ready to pull out his dagger.

The vampire's teeth extended and he got ready to attack.

I stood stunned as the men fought.

The stranger tried to bite Jac as my mate tried to pull out the dagger to stab into the man's heart.

There was about a second where they flew across the room before they were back to fighting.

That second was just enough time for Jac to grab the dagger and stab it through the stranger's chest.

He had missed by a centimeter but it successfully knocked the vamp out cold.

"Jac?" I whispered.

"It's okay Alyssa, guess it was a good thing I brought my dagger," he joked but with no humor.

"Yeah, but who is that?" I nodded towards the man.

"I don't know, maybe Amber can tell us when she wakes," he hugged me.

I snuggled into his chest and we waited for one of the two to come back.

About 10 minutes later, out of the corner of my eye, I saw Amber's hand move.

I shook Jac and pointed to her.

He stood up straighter and took a step towards her.

During the ten minutes of waiting, Jac had to re-dagger the vamp another time, and Melanie's scent was fading but we had to stay with Amber and this stranger.

Where's my soul sister?

Who took her and where is Joe?

I couldn't catch a scent of Joe anywhere in the house.

While I was thinking, Amber had started to flutter her eyes open and was now staring at the man's limp body in the corner.


She never took her eyes off the man so I tried again.


Her fingered twitched.

"Who is that?" Jac asked, losing his patience.

You would be a little impatient about wanting answers too after stabbing a person... twice!

Amber quickly looked to Jac with sad and worried eyes and asked the one question I would have never guessed she would ask.

"What did you do to my mate?" She whimpered.

Mate? Oh shit, what did we do?

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