Chapter 26 A new discovery part 1

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Amber's(Isis) POV

Yawning, I stretched and looked around the room I was staying in.

The walls were a plain cream color and the bed was brown with a shade of blue for sheets. It looks like whoever decorated this room just threw everything together using random color. But I shouldn't judge, they are letting me stay here.

"Are you hungry?" Kellan asked, opening the door with a tray of food with him.

My eyes popped out of my head at the food and I could smell everything.

Bacon, toast, eggs, an omelet, French toast sticks, pancakes, and a lot more.

I shook my head really fast, eager to see if the food tasted as good as it smelled.

He laughed and put the tray over my lap and I quickly grabbed the fork and dug in.

"Amb-uh... Isis?" Kellan asked, interrupted my eating.

"What do you want?" I asked between bites.

"Have you ever heard of werewolves?"

I stopped eating and stared at him. What does he know about werewolves? I hope he isn't one... I really like him.

"No, I don't believe in that stuff," I lied.

He gave me a look that said he doesn't believe me but brushed it off and let me to eat.

But I couldn't eat now, I could be in a house full of werewolves, and I have no weapons. Damn it!

Picking up the phone I dialed my army commander that took the role of my father. He wasn't an overprotective father, he knew I could take care of myself, but did care for me.

"What? I'm in the middle of training!" He yelled over the phone.

"When I woke up from the crash I was with these strange people and they took me to a house and have been taking care of me. So anyway, the man just asked me if I knew anything about werewolves," I whispered quickly not wanting to be caught.

"Do you have weapons?"

"Nothing, sir."

I heard him sigh, "do you need any help, I can send our spies to come get you?"

"I don't know bu-"

I was cut off by the door starting to open.

"I got to go," I rushed out and turned the phone off before putting it down and looked like I was eating the breakfast in front of me.

"Who were you talking to?" Kellan growled.

"No one important, just talking to myself," I said casually.

"I heard another voice. Do not lie to me!" He yelled and started shaking.

"I'm sorry, I was just talking to myself," I stick to my story.

He fell to his knees and put his hands to his face and cried. I kind of felt bad for him.. not, he kidnapped me and doesn't deserve my pity.

"I just want my mate back," he cried and my eyes widened.

Great, now I have to deal with werewolves.

I need to get out of here... NOW.

Walking up to Kellan, I put my hand to his shoulder.

"I'm so sorry," I faked before pushing on his pressure point causing him to pass out.

I stepped over his limp body and casually walked down the halls like I was suppose to be there. Trying to find the exit, I searched hallway after hallway with no success.

"Do you need help, Luna?" A young man asked from behind me. Turning on my heals, I faced the young 8 year old boy.

"Yes, I seem to be lost, can you show me where the exit is?" I asked sweetly bending down to his height.

His eyes lit up and he took my hand before leading me back the way I was coming.

Wow, I was so lost.

After 5 minutes of being dragged by the little child, we came to a large door with a window so I could see my freedom.

I gripped the handle and ripped the door open after thanking the boy.

I was just about to take a step out until...

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