Chapter 29 A special deal

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Isis's POV

Slowly, I opened my eyes without making any sudden movement.

I was met with darkness and voices a couple feet away.

"When should she wake up?" A girl's voice asked. That voice sounded familiar.

"Any minute now. Just have patience, Katlyn."


Keeping my breathing normal was hard, but I waited for something to happen.

What do I do? What can I do?

When nothing happened, I went to get up but was stopped by a hand gripping my upper arm.

"Where's amber?" Kellan growled.

"I-I don't know who that is," I cried.

"Don't lie to me, now where is Amber!" He screamed in my face.

"I'm sorry, I don't know who your talking about," i squirmed and ripped my arm from his grasp.

I watched in fear as he fell to his knees, hands going to his head and cried. Never had I seen a werewolf break down, I always left before they found their dead family members if they weren't dead already.

Sitting on the floor, close to Kellan, I listened to his breathing.

"I had her in my arms then... then," he cried.

"Im really sorry I'll do anything to help," I tried apologizing.

His river of tears stopped and he lifted his head to stare into my eyes. Shivering, I waited for my punishment.

"Anything?" He asked, hope filling his eyes.

I bit my lip, nervous, before nodding slowly.

"Katlyn, go start the car, we have a deal to make," he rushed out at her.

With a scared look on her face, she got up and went outside, going to start the car.

"What do you mean? What kind of deal?"

He never answered me as he dragged me out to the car by my wrist.

I slipped into the back seat with Kellan and Katlyn in front.

"Katlyn what's going to happen?" I asked her.

Through the mirror, she looked back at me and bit her lip before looking out the side window.

I huffed and sat back.

An hour of driving in an uncomfortable silence, Kellan turned into a dirt road surrounded by an army of trees.

About three miles down the dirt road, a small log cabin came into view and I sat up straighter knowing my fate is most likely lying inside that cabin.

Kellan got out, followed by Katlyn and waited for me to get out.

Taking a deep breathe, I slowly opened the door and stepped out.

Staring at nothing but the cabin, I walked on. Kellan knocked and an old lady opened the door.

I gasped and put my hand to my mouth. It was the same lady who had saved me the other day when I ran off.

"Hello again dear," she said.

With my hand still to my mouth, I shook my head side to side and took a step back.

They all looked at me as I kept my eyes glued to the elderly woman.

Thoughts swirled in my head as I recalled the day that this person, that will most likely kill me, saved my life.

They waited for me to step inside for 5 minutes. It was then that I realized I'm not getting out of this. This is the end.

I stepped forward and they moved out of my way.

Looking inside, my foot stopped at the doorway.

Taking yet another deep breath, my left foot was first then the other before I was enclosed inside the house... alone.

The door was gone and so was Kellan and Katlyn.

It was only me and the woman.

"Don't you have to talk to Kellan to make this deal everyone's so worried about?" I asked getting impatient.

"I already know what he wants, and what he is willing to give," she said walking down a hall that seemed to long to fit inside that once to small cabin.

"Are you going to kill me?"

"Kill you? Now where did you get that idea?"

I raised a brow silently asking, 'really?'

She laughed, "no, I'm not going to kill you, instead, I'm going to give you your real life."

"What do you mean," I asked, completely confused.

"Your soul, Isis, was not ready to die. Instead it has been waiting for the right time to come back. Amber is Kellan's mate, as you already know, your souls sort of, switched lives.

Now Amber is the one who is now waiting for her life back while your soul is searching for the reason it's still here. You need to finish whatever you never got to finish. And when your goal is accomplished, your soul will return to its body and you shall finally die," she explained.

"What?" I whispered to myself.

"So your here to help me return to my body and get Amber back to Kellan?

...So what's the catch?"

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