Chapter 30 Take a joke

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Kellan's POV

"We're almost there," I said.

"How much further," she had asked me wanting the blind fold off.

"Be patient Amber," Isis told her.

Amber huffed and kept walking, keeping up with us.

"So Isis, are you going to return to camp?" Amber asked her.

Isis put her head down, "no I couldn't do that, but I am thinking about getting a job as a doctor. I went to school for that," she said.

Amber nodded and kept walking.

"How are you feeling?" Amber asked.

"I'm fine, just a little shaky. It feels like my emotions are 100x worse."

"Yeah, now you know how people who were born werewolves feel. We have to deal with that our whole lives. You must be going through a really hard time right now, sorry it had to end like this," Amber apologized.

"We're here," I announced.

The grass was still as green as ever and the flowers colorful and bright.
The pond had little fish swimming around and frogs sitting on Lily pads.

Just like Ambers mom said it would be... beautiful.

Amber slid off the blindfold and stared wide eyes at the scene in front of her. Her jaw was literally hitting the floor as her eyes looked at every little detail until they landed on me.

"Why did you bring me here?" Amber asked me.

"This use to be your moms favorite spot, she said she would sit up against that tree for hours sometimes even a full day," I said pointed to a large pine tree with the bottom branches cut down, giving you a perfect hiding place.

"Thank you guys, I love it."

Isis smiled at Amber and they both laughed away as I prepared our picnic dinner.

I patted my left pocket to be sure the box was still there... it was.

Everything was perfect. This place is perfect. My mate is perfect.

Isis had been turned to a werewolf to pay our side of the deal, I got Amber back, and somehow Isis survived and the two girls get along so well now. They seemed to do everything together. I was starting to get a bit jealous with all time they're spending together.

Isis and Amber raced to the pond, laughing and screaming the whole way.

The steak was bloody rare and the potatoes lay in their container. Pulling out the rest of the items for our picnic, I laid it out on the blanket and called over the girls.

They both jumped out of he water and raced back to where the food was.

"Jeez if I would've known better, I think you would love food more than me, your mate..." I teased Amber.

She glared at me and stole the rarest steak before digging in.

A half hour later, once we were done eating, it was dark out and we were all laying on the blanket looking up at the stars.

"Hey, Isis, can you give us a second?" I asked nodding my head. She gave me a wink and thumbs up, mouthing 'good luck!'

"Yeah sure, I'll be back in a bit," she patted Amber on the back.

My mate gave her a small smile before turning back to me.

"Why did you do that?" She asked, scolding me.

"What?" I raised a brow.

"Why did you make her go away?" She crossed her arms over her chest.

I bit my lip. What if she doesn't accept? What if she rejects me?

"Uh. uh. um..." I stuttered.

"Spit it out," she ordered, clearly annoyed.

"W-would you, um... would you," I tried asking her but knowing my voice wasn't going to work, I put my hand in my pocket and slowly pulled out the small black box.

It was now Amber's turn to raise a brow.

"What's that?" She asked nodding her head to the box in my hands.

"Uh... Amber. we haven't known each other long, but it seems like forever. I- I wanted to ask you if you could do me the honor of becoming my wife?" I asked, whispering the last part.

My gaze was glued to the ground as I waited in silence.

"No," Amber said casually.

I raised my head in shock.

My wolf was silent but I could sense the storm rumbling within him.

"What?!" I screeched.

"I'm just kidding. Of course I'll marry you!" She smiled wide and I breathed a sigh in relief.

I leaned forward and have her a bear hug.

I felt my shoulder getting wet from the tears of my mate.

I pulled away and wiped her tears.

She laughed and have me a soft kiss before turning around, meeting the forest.

"You can come out now, Isis," Amber rolled her eyes and Isis came out from behind a tree with a smile on her face.

"So... what did you talk about?" Isis asked pretending to be curious.

"Shut up, sis!" Amber laughed back.

They laughed and giggled at her.

It was in that moment that I remembered that I haven't even shown Amber the ring yet!

"Amber, come here!" I called her over and picked up the black box off the ground.

"Oh, the ring. I totally forgot!" She blushed.

I gave her a cheesy grin and opened the box.

Hearing a large gasp, I opened my eyes and laughed at how shocked Amber was.

"Kellan, this is so beautiful," she said robotically.

"Are you sure you like it? I wasn't sure if-" I was cut off my her lips smashing onto mine.

"I love it," she whispered.

"I love you," I whispered back, staring into her eyes.

She hesitated for a second before opening her mouth.

"You don't have to say it," I said.

"I love you," she said back with confidence.

A smile appeared on my face.

Through all the heart wrenching pain and torture... we pulled through. I promise to take care of my mate and never hurt her... EVER.

I love her.

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