Chapter 27 A New Discovery part 2

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Amber's(Isis) POV

I was just about to take a step out until...

"Where do you think your going?" Katlyn asked and I didn't even turn back before taking off running.

In the distance I heard her calling for guards. There were leaves crunching behind me and my legs moves faster to pick up speed.

Come on, Isis, you've out ran werewolves before. Yet, I couldn't stop the feeling that these were different, stronger wolves. They couldn't be the ones, could they? No, that's impossible.

10 minutes of running as fast as I my feet could take me, the chasing had ended and I needed a break to calm my breathing.

If I ever push my limits or even get close, the taste of blood erupted in my mouth, and it's not a pleasent taste let me tell you that.

I closed my eyes and sat pretzel style on the ground. Yes, I know very kindergartenish. leaning against the tree, I listened to the birds singing, the trees bristling in the wind, and then something big moving in the brushes.

Immediately freezing, I perked my ears for any sign that would tell me if I was hallucinating or not.

Nothing happened and I loosened up my stiff body.

All of a sudden, a cold, bony hand laid on my right shoulder sending shivers down my back.

Gasping, I flung from the comfy spot I was just resting at only to come face to face with an old woman.

"Run, girl, before they catch you," she warned, her voice shaky.

I nodded quickly.

"Will you be alright?" I asked.

"I'll be fine, hurry, there is a village outside the forest that can help you hide, now go," she rushed out before shoving me north towards the village.

"Thank you," I said before dashing off the way I was told to go.

A mile away, a piercing scream hit my ears as tears built up in my eyes for the loss of the innocent woman that saved my life.

I looked back to see how far away they are but saw nothing. That was until I turned back and met a dark brown wolf with white streaks down its back about 10 feet away.

My breathing hitched as I kept eye contact with the wolf.

It went behind a large pine tree and came out was Katlyn with a large t-shirt and shorts on.

"What the heck, Amber?!" She screamed at me.

"My names not Amber, so let me go you freak!"

She kept silent as if finding something to say back.

"I'm not a freak," she whispered putting her head down.

"Yeah, you are sweetie," I snapped back kindly.

Her head jerked up and she stared at me and her eyes turned a deep, blood red and she starting shaking before shifting.

Spreading my feet shoulder-length apart, I waited for the attack.

"Come at me you freak," I circled around with her and she growled a warning.

"You don't scare me," I said casually.

Before I knew it, the wolf was lunging at me as I ripped a branch from the tree next to me and stabbed it into its neck when it was close enough. Then I took the stick out of the wolves neck and watched it heal up before she was back at her mission with rage flowing through her veins... I could see it in her eyes how much she wanted me dead but something was holding her back.

I used her hesitation to my advantage. When she got close enough I stepped on her paw and dug the branch into her other paw causing a whine to escape her wolf mouth.

Taking a step back, I turned and bolted in the same direction I was before.

From behind me, I heard loud panting and whining.

Several pairs of feet were on my tail and I kept running until the trees came to an end and houses appeared.

I stared at the sight of all the cabins and brick structures before taking off wherever I could.

I came onto a street that was all houses and people in shorts and t-shirts were chasing me as I ran down an alley way.

Only to come to a dead end...

Turning on my heel, there were 5 men and 3 woman panting and staring at me in victory.

"Just come with us like a nice little girl or else..." the red-headed girl threatened. She was 5'4 and skinny with a make-up piled face.

"Or else what?" I stalled, trying to circle around them.

One thing I learned about wolves is that they always focus on their enemy not what's happening around them. If they are focused enough on me, I can circle around them and take off toward the gas station I had passed to blocks away. They won't put their secret in danger by going in sight of humans.

Now, I was against the side wall almost in the clear for take off.

One of the boys with black hair that hangs in his face about 6'2 took his eyes off mine and noticed what I was trying to do.

"Get her!" He yelled and all of them charged while I jumped out of the way just missing the red haired girl and taking off.

All 8 of them were pissed off as they cased me down the streets of the village.

Seeing the gas station ahead of me, made me pick up speed an only focus on getting through those doors.

Once close enough, I jumped forwards right through the double doors of the station and taking deep breaths as the girl at the desk stared at me then the others behind me.

Running over to her I have her the orders that's spooked the beasts.

"Call the cops, they were trying to hurt me," I rushed out as she dialed and the monsters exchanged glances.

Far away in the distance, we all heard the sirens blaring and whistling through the village as it came closer and closer. The wolves shot glares at me as they ran out of the store and back to the safety of the forest.

Letting out the breath I didn't know I was holding, I thanked the traumatized lady and walked out of the store like nothing had happened in those few short minutes.

Strolling through town, I came to a lonely hotel at the edge of the village. Sighing I jogged into the hotel and up to the counter only to remember I only had just enough money to last me one night.

I sighed again and handed the money over and the man gave me the key to room 16 on the second floor.

Once opening the door, I climbed into the bed and fell asleep as soon my head hit the pillow.

***later in night***

"Click. Click click."

Jolting up from a nightmare I searched the room for the clicking and now banging noises.

The alarm clock to the side of the bed next a lamp read 12:01.

Not being able to ignore the sounds coming from the bathroom and kitchen, I got up and pushed the bathroom door open only to gasp and fill with fear at the sight.



The thick, red liquid stained the shower curtains and filled the tub to the top so much it was overflowing onto the white... now red fluffy carpet. The mirror above the sink was covered in blood also and finger smudged spelt out the word...


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