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Your pov

It's 8:00 am and I rush into my car. Class starts at 8 and I'm barely driving towards McDonald's, I haven't ate and unless I want to be in a bad mood all day I need to get something to eat. I buy a McGriddle and 2 small chocolate chip frappes.

I parked in the school parking lot at 8:37. I take out my drink and food and start eating it while scrolling threw Instagram. I was already super late for 1st period and knew I'll only be there for less that 20 minutes if I walked in now so I decided to just skip that class.

After I was done I made my way into the school with the other frappe I bought and waited outside English class for my best friend Luca, we've been inseparable since I first moved too New Jersey. He's been there for me when my first and only boyfriend cheated on me. We don't have much classes together but that doesn't stop us from being super close. The bell ranged and everyone came out

"LUCA" I screamed

He turned to me and a smile grew

"Elena, Hey why did you miss first period?"

"I went to get food" I smiled "I Got you this" I passed him the frappe

"Thank you so much beautiful" he kisses me in the cheek

I smile and we head too class

Yup, me and luca totally have some type of chemistry. We just started 'talking' this year, we're both scared to commit to an actual relationship because we know it will mess up our friendship. I'm totally fine and happy at where me and Luca are at right now. Luca has also met my mom and she loves him, she's been cheering for us to get together since we both met each other. Luca is also Italian which was a big win for my mom.

It hit 4 o clock and the bell finally ranged, Luca was walking me to my car with his hand around me

"Soo what you say too going out to eat then watching a movie at my house, my parents are working late today" Luca asks with a smile

"I'm so sorry I can't, Lorenzo is going out today which means I have to work at the store" I pout as we arrive to my car

"Aww bummer" Luca frowns "next time" he says

"Next time, bye" I hug him

"Bye" he gives me a peck on the lips

I drive back home and make myself a sandwich, I quickly get into the shower and put leggings and one of Luca's over size hoodie. I drive too the corner store with my music on blast, I was in a good mood. When I get there I see Lorenzo impatient

"Ugh finally I can leave" Lorenzo says annoyed like always, he gets his things and quickly leaves

I get behind the counter and clean it up a bit, when I was done I sat down by the counter and waited for costumers to walk threw the door. I took my phone out and saw Luca texted me

Luca <3
Hey baby, free tmr?

Elena 💍
I'm pretty sure Lorenzo is going to work tmr but if not I'll lyk!

Luca <3
If not it's okay, don't stress, we can hang out Saturday or any day you can 🖤

This is why Luca means a lot to me, he's so understandable and sweet, before I could text him back two girls walked in, I shut my phone and put it in my pocket. I give a warm smile to the two girls and they smile back

They walk up to me and one of the girl says "hey do you guys have iPhone chargers?"

"Yeah" I look around under the counter and get out a charger and place it on the counter "that's it?" I ask

"Yeah, how much?"

"9.99" I say

They get out money and pass it to me, as I'm counting their change one of them asks me "Lorenzo doesn't work here anymore?"

"He does, I just work when he doesn't feel like it" I say with a laugh

"Well I like you better, Lorenzo always scares away the costumers with his rude ass" one of the girls say

I laugh "well his rude ass is my cousin but don't worry I've seen his nasty moods"

"Im sorry I didn't mean it like that, I didn't know-"

I interrupt her "like I said, I totally understand" I pass them their change

"Thanks" they get their change and leave

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