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"I'm home" I say as I walk threw the door

I am now back home with my mom after spending a weeknight with my dad

"Hey honey, there's someone in your room waiting for you" my mom said

"Who?" I ask

"Go check" she said with a smile

I made my way upstairs and slowly opened the door that belonged to my room

"Luca?" I say as I spot him sitting in the corner of my bed

"Hey" he said softly

"What are you doing here" I ask

"I wanted to talk" he said "I'm sorry for everything and the way I've been coming to you, I just really like you" he gave me a small smile "can you please forgive me so we can go back to normal" he plead

"No I'm sorry luca, but I'm not ready to forgive you, and I don't think I'll ever be, I've moved on and so should you" I say "I've been just perfect without you"

"Let me guess, you've moved on to that dick head" he groan

"Just leave" I said, I knew luca was an asshole it just took me long enough to see it

"So it's true, your with Mattia aren't you" luca said "your doing the wrong thing" he says

"I'm not with Mattia, but you are in my house and I said to leave so leave" I said pointing at the door

"Whatever, you'll soon see him the way I and your mom do" he said before leaving

I sigh and put my bag down

Why the hell does everyone have to hate Mattia, and why the hell does everyone have to be in my damn business, I wish I just lived with my dad, he's the only one that doesn't have a bad opinion on Mattia

I heard a knock on my window making me jump, I look to my window and see a happy Mattia

"Mattia" I said as I ran to the window to open it "how the hell did you get up here"

"I climbed the tree" he laughs "that's the scariest shit ever" he said as he stepped into my room

"I'm not upset that's your here but we literally talked about telling me first before you appear out of nowhere" I said

"I can't help it, I like catching you by surprise" he smiled "anyways was that luca who had just left you house?" He asked

"Yeah" I roll my eyes as I walk to my door to lock it just in case my mom walked in

"Why was he here" he asked as he laid on my bed

"He was apologizing or whatever" I said "I don't want him in my life anymore, he's too much to handle and whatever me and him had, wasn't going nowhere" I said as I laid next to him

Mattia doesn't say anything he just wraps his arms around me and hugs me tightly, I take in his cologne giving me butterflies in my stomach, I love when guys smell good

"So do you want to do anything today" Mattia asks me

"Like what?" I say

"I don't know, we can go on a date, take a walk in the park, whatever you feel like doing" Mattia said

"I doubt my mom would let me out the house, she hasn't seen me in like 3 days and it makes it worse that I was with my dad" I say

"This is all my fault" Mattia said as he brushed my hair with his fingers

"What is?" I furrowed my eyebrows

"The fact we're can't do nothing together" he sighs

"It's not your fault my mom is a difficult person" I smile at him "I didn't know you felt like this is all your fault" I get up "is it bad that we don't hang out much?" I ask

"No no, not like that, I just want to see you everyday" he said sitting up

"Ok" I say

"Are you upset" he asked

"No, it's just that you don't like it how we don't see each other often since my mom doesn't like you, so maybe you should find someone that you can hang out with and do all these stuff with, I'm sorry my mom is difficult but it's not my fault either"

"So you are upset ?" He said "come here" he said grabbing my arm and pulling me towards him "I'm find with us just being like this" he said as he hugged me "I don't want to have someone to hang out with if it isn't you, I love you"

Did he just say the L word ? Do L with too?

He does make me happy, and god that way me makes me feel when my kisses me or even just looks at me

I don't know what me and him have but whatever it is it makes me feel good, having him makes me forget there's even other boys In The world, I feel warm when I'm with him so you can definitely say I'm very attached

"What did you say?" I ask as I look him in the eyes

"Nothing" he licks his lips

I moved my eyes to his lip breaking the eye contact we had, I leaned in and slowly kissed him

"I love you too" I said making him smile as I pulled away from the kiss

Mattia put his hands on my neck and pulled me back into his lips, I climb on top of him without breaking the kiss

His hands travel around my body and land on my hips

I moved my hips back and forward making him groan into the kiss

Mattia flips me over and starts kissing all over my neck, he lifts my shirt up and starts trailing kisses down my stomach

I felt Mattias hands slowly start to pull my pants down when we heard the doorknob moving

Me and Mattia quickly move apart

"Elena, the food is ready, why did luca leave? And why is your door locked" I heard my moms voice say

"I'm changing" I quickly lie

"Okay well hurry before the food gets cold" my mom said before I heard her steps fade away

"That should be my cue" Mattia said and I nod "bye, I'll call you later" he said as he planted a kiss on my forehead

"Be careful" I said as he got out threw my window, I waved goodbye before closing the window

Sorry for the lame ass chapters but I'm currently working a lot on my other story 'Bartender' you guys should go check it out

Also the next chapter would me better

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