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I will be writing some words in Italian in this chapter, if you need me to translate just comment on what you want me to translate and I'll respond as quickly as I can

I inhale and exhale

"Don't forget that you can always call me" my mom said "if you want to leave just tell me and I'll pick you up" she continued

My mom was parked outside my dads house, my dad had just moved into new jersey and wants to see me, my mom is obviously against that, she's more freaked out then I am, I don't know if my dad will enjoy my company or not, I've change a lot since the last time I saw him so the nervousness is killing my body, I will be sleeping over at my dads house on Friday's and Saturday's, on Sunday's afternoon my mom will pick me up

"Okay" I said as I grabbed my book bag with my things and clothes

"You don't have to stay if you don't want to" my mom said as I opened the door to get out

"Mom I'll be find" I said

"Please call me if anything goes wrong" she said holding my arms "we can just go home right now" she tightened her grip

"lasciala andare" a voice said making my mom groan as she already knew who's voice that was

I turn around and saw my dad coming out his house "pa" I smile as I get out the car to hug him

"hey principessa" my dad said with a huge smile "mi sei mancata" he said

"anche tu mi sei mancato" I said

"Call me if anything" my mom said to me glaring at my dad

"I will" I said and with that my mom drove away

"Let's go inside" my dad said and I nod

I followed him inside. When my dad was younger he used to live in cali with his mom and dad so that's why he knows English, even though he knows English he prefers speaking Italian no matter where he is

"Your room is upstairs, it's the first room to the right" my dad said and I nod "you can put your things there, their isn't much there but I promise I'll buy you many things for your room soon" my dad smiles

"Thanks pa" I smiled back at him

I grabbed my book bag and walked upstairs, I opened the door to my room and walked in, the room was big, it was all painted white and the whole room also had a light brown carpet, it also had a big mattress on the floor and a decent sized closet. I sat my book bag next to the mattress on the floor and made my way back downstairs

"Ti è piaciuto ?" My dad asked

"I love it" I said sitting down in the kitchen island

"Since I just moved here I don't have much things so sorry about that, for food we'll eat some microwaved Mac and cheese" my dad said with a laugh

"Mmm yummy" I said rubbing my stomach

"I'll heat both of ours right now" my dad said with a smile and I nod "so any boyfriends?"
My dad asked randomly as he was putting a small bowl of Mac and cheese into the microwave

"No" I laugh

"You sure" he said

"Well there's is this one guy" I say

"Tell more" my dad wiggles his eyebrows causing me to chuckle

"We use to have a thing" I say "or something like that, but we weren't dating"

"Use to?" He asked

"Yeah, we got into two big argument and we haven't talked since" I said "and not to mention my mom doesn't like him so I had to sneak around with him and keep whatever we had on the down low" I sigh

"Your mom is special, she barely even likes people" my dad laughed "what's his name?" My dad asked

"Mattia" I said, saying his name gave me goosebumps, I haven't talked about him for a while now

"That's a pretty popular Italian name" my dad said

"That's because he is Italian" I giggle

"Nice just liked your pops" he smiled "Well hopefully you guys get back together because I really want to meet this Mattia guy" my dad said taking out the bowl from the microwave

"Hopefully" I said

"How about friends? Do you have any" my dad said passing me the bowl

"Yeah, this guy from school his names William and Mattias friend, kairi" I said "they both been super sweet to me since me and Mattia got into it" I said "my mom actually
Likes kairi" I laughed as I started eating my food

"That's a new one" my dad laughed with me

I saw my phone light up, so I picked it up from table


At my dads, why?

I was wondering if you wanted to hang out

You always want to hang out lol, you don't get tired of me ?

How could I? Now are you free ?

Idk, this the first time I seen my dad after years and I don't think it's right just leaving

Your right

Where would we go anyways ?

To the Movie theater

I don't even have a ride anyways

Get an Uber

I roll my eyes and put my phone down, kairi can never take a no, my phone lit up again but I ignore it this time, I already knew it was kairi

"Who's that" my dad asked looking at my phone

"Kairi, the friend I was just telling you about, he wanted to hang out but I told him I was with you" I say

"You should go" he said

"No, it's not right, i can't miss more time with you, it's been years since we had last talked" I say

"But now we can see each other more, plus we still got tomorrow and today when you get back to catch up" my dad said "and we also have next week"

"But pa—"

"partire" my dad damaned

"Fine fine" I say

I get up and order myself an Uber

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