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"Don't worry about luca, you got me, and I promise I'm nothing like him" William said

"Thank you" I smile

It was the end of class and we were making our way out the school, I was telling William how luca didn't talk to me all day which means me and Lucas friendship is actually and officially over now

"Soo you and Mattia?" He asked

"Yeah that's over too" I frowned

"Why don't you talk to him? You need to try and fix things between you two" William said

" I'm to scared to fix things " I say

"What is there to be scared of ?" He asked

"Rejection. What if he's really mad at me and doesn't want to see me anymore" I said

"I doubt it" William respond

"ELENA" I heard someone shout

I turn around and see kairi

"Kairi ? What are you doing here?" I ask as I see kairi jogging up to me and William

"I came you ask if you wanted to hang out" he said

"Wait really?" I say "so you came all the way over here to my school just to ask me to hang out ?" I ask

"Yeah" kairi gives me a shy smile "I also came here walking since I don't own a car"

"Uh can you wait a second" I said and he nods

I grabbed Williams hand and walked a couple of feet away from kairi so he wouldn't hear us

"Didn't you need a ride home ?" I say

"Yeah, but I can walk it, go hang out with him" he said

"I don't know, he's Mattias friend" I say

"So who cares" William said "he's short but he's cute" he said as he looks at kairi

I furrowed my eyebrows and just looked at William

"What? You didn't know I was bi?" He said

"Uh I didn't even have a clue" I said

"Well that's a first" William said as we both laughed "just go, I'll be find" He said and i nod

"Thank you" I said

I walked back to kairi "okay where we going" i ask

"Ice cream ?" He says

"Perfect" I said "follow me, my car should be parked around here, I can drive us to an ice cream shop"

Kairi did as I said and followed me, when we got to my car I unlocked it so we can both get in, I searched on my phone for the closest Ice cream shop and followed the gps

When we got there we got to the front to look at all the flavors

"Ouu they have cookie n' cream" I say as I tap the glass making kairi smiles

"I'm guessing that's what your going you order" he chuckles

"Yeah, in a cup" I say

"I'll go order the things, you can go sit down" kairi said and I nod

A couple minutes went by and kairi came back with our ice cream

"Ew" I laugh

"What?" Kairi asked from curiosity

"You like mint chocolate chip ice cream " I say

"What it's good" kairi chuckles

"No that stuff is nasty, your weird" I say

"Whatever" kairi said

There was a moment of silence but I broke it

"Um not to be rude or anything but why did you invite me to hang out with you?" I ask

"Well last time we talked it looked like you needed a friend so here I am" he smiled

"Thanks, I guess i really needed this" I said "it's kids weird though" I chuckle

"Why" he laughs

"Because you know, your friends with Mattia" I say

"Yeah but I'm also your friend, and talking about Mattia I didn't tell him I was going to hang out with you today, now that's weird" kairi says

"Not really, its not like we're doing anything sus" I say

"I know but I'm sure Mattia wouldn't like it, how would it feel of your bestfriend hangs out with a person you used to talk to, or whatever you guys had" he says

"Okay your right" I say "did you tell Alejandro ?" I ask

"No, Alejandro has a big mouth he would one hundred percent tell Mattia" he giggles "so who's that guy you were with?" He changed the subject

"That was William" I smile

"You moved on from Mattia already ?" He asked

"What no" I say "William is just a new friend, we just became friends too" I said

"Oh so you still like Mattia huh?" Kairi says as he wiggles his eyebrows

I couldn't help but turn red "of course I still like him, it's only been two weeks since we stoped talking" I said, I paused and chuckle "your actually the first person I've told that I like Mattia, now that I think about it I don't think I've ever admitted my feelings towards him" I said

"Why don't you talk to him ? It's been two weeks, might not be a big number but it is a long time" kairi said

"Because i don't know how he feels right now about us or me" I say "I don't want to embarrass myself" I said

"I promise you that you wouldn't embarrass yourself" kairi said

"I just wished I knew what he felt right now, wait has he talked about me to you or Alejandro?" I said

"I-I ca-" kairi stuttered

"I'm sorry" I apologize "I don't want to put you in that type of situation, I'm not even going to ask you to tell me if Mattia talks about me or says anything about our situation" I said

"It's fine, I get, I would probably try and do the same" he said

"So how about you? How's your love life ?" I chuckle

"Yeah we don't talk about that, let's change the subject once again" he laughed

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