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Incoming call from kairi
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"Hello?" I say

"Hey" kairi said "I know this is kinda random but can I come over ? I want us to talk" he said

"Of course" I say "I'm at dads and not my moms right now so I'll text you the address" I said

"Okay, bye" he says

"Bye" I hanged up and my walked downstairs

"Dad" I said

"Yeah?" He asked

"Kairi is coming over is that okay ?" I ask "hes a friend of mine " I say

"Yeah, oh and I'm making pancakes look" he said showing me the pan Making me laugh

"They look good dad" I smiled and "are you  finished yet?" I ask

"Yeah I have some done right here" he said pointing to a plate with a couple of pancakes

"Is it fine if I eat some right now?" I ask

"Yeah, I bought some syrup and strawberry jam, it's In the fridge" he said

"Thanks" I took them out and served myself, when I was done i made sure to wash my dish

I was upstairs in my roomed laying on my bed scrolling threw Instagram when my dad called me "Elena!"

"Yes pa?" I say

"Your friends here"

"Coming" I said sliding my slides on and quickly walking down the stairs

"Hey Kai, come" I said waving him towards my room

"Your dads not going to get mad ?" He asked as we step into my room

"Why would he be mad?" I laughed

"Well, your a girl, and I'm a boy, and we're alone in a room" he said

"My dad trusts me, plus I doubt we're going to be doing anything but talking" I giggle

"Yeah" he laughed nervously

"So what did you want to talk about ?" I ask

"I just want to say sorry for what happened in the movie Theater" he said "I don't know what I was thinking"

"It's fine kairi really plus me and Mattia talked it out together and we're back to old times" I smile

"Oh, that's great news" he sighs

"Yeah, do you want a water or something?" I ask

"No thanks, I should get going, I just wanted to make sure we're good, I don't want to Lose what we have" kairi said

"okay so bestfriends?" I say

"Bestfriends" kairi gives me a small smiles

"Want me to walk you outside?" I ask

"No I got it thanks, bye I'll see you later" he said

"Bye" I wave as he leaves my room

I lay in my bed and get on my phone, after five minutes my dad calls me once again


"COMING" I said and walked downstairs "did you forget something kai-" I stoped myself when I noticed it was Mattia at the door and my dad holding the door for him

"What are you doing here" I said as I quickly walked up to him and pushed him out the door "I'll be back pa" I said and closed the door

"Why were you about to say Kairis name?" He asked but I didn't answer, I just yanked him as far as I could from my dads house

If me and Mattia were going to talk I didn't want my dad to hear or see anything, also I don't think I'm ready for Mattia to meet my
dad, we'll properly since my dad just saw him right now

"Why did you just came to my dads house out the blue" I ask

"Why are you upset ? I thought we were cool, and I wanted to see you" he smiled as he laid his hands on my waist

"No Mattia you can't just do that, you have to ask me first and plus we literally just talked it out yesterday, it's too soon for you too randomly appear and meet my dad" I said taking his hands off my waist

"Your dad seemed chill thought" he said "I'm sorry are you mad at me?" He frowned

I sighed and said "no, just give a heads up next time okay?"

"Okay" he said with a smile "now can you tell me why you were about to say Kairis name when you came down to see me" he asked

"I-I thought you were kairi" I said looking at my hands

"Why would you think I was kairi" he laughed but soon it faded away and had not a single emotion shown on his face "we're you expecting to see him? Did You invited him over" he asked

"No i wasn't expecting to see him" I said "but he had just left my house a couple minutes ago so I thought maybe he had forgotten something and came back and obviously I wasn't expecting too see you" I say

"Why was he at your house" he furrowed his eyebrows, I can tell he was starting to get mad

"He just came over to talk things out that's it" I say

"Why do you guys need to talk things out for? Why can't he just leave you alone" his hand balls up to a fist

"Mattia" I said

"I'm sorry I just don't what him being around you anymore that's it" Mattias hands relax

"But he's my friend and he's your friend too" I said

"No, no he's not, not anymore" he scratches his nose

"Why not?" I ask "is it because of what happened in the movie theater, we didn't even kiss, I don't even know what was going through my mind that day" I said

"It's not just that, kairi likes you, I just know it" Mattia said "and if he keeps being around you he's going too think you like him too and eventually he's going to make a move on you and i don't want that to happen"

"Mattia your crazy" I giggle a bit "kairi doesn't like me" I said

"If he didn't he wouldn't had leaned in too kiss you" Mattia said "he wouldn't even been talking too you if he didn't like you for god sakes" he rolls his eyes "Alejandro doesn't act the same way kairi does when he's around you and that's because Alejandro only looks at you as my girl or a friend"

"Your girl?" I repeat what he said

"That's not the point" Mattia pouted

"Aw the baby's upset" I said hugging him tightly and leaning in too kiss him slowly

"Look at that, I'm not upset anymore" he said taking his lips off mine "I think I need more of that" he said and reconnected our lips but I pushed him away

"Sorry to break it to you but I should get back home before my dad comes looking for me" I smile "and I don't want him seeing us kissing" I say

"Lets go then I'll walk you too your front steps"
He said

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