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Your pov

Me and Mattia finally got to the beach, he took out two big towels from his trunk and we walked to the sand

He layed down the towels and we sat staring at the water

"What did you want to talk about ?" I say braking the silence

"Uh the party" Mattia says "amaze me with the things my drunk self did" he laughs

"So you really don't remember anything huh?" I ask

"Nothing" Mattia says

"Well first off i found you in the tub sleeping, you know that one right?" I laugh

"Yeah kairi told me" he laughs

"I also helped you go to your room" I say still laughing

"Yeah Alejandro told me that one" Mattia says

"Gosh what did kairi and Alejandro not tell you" I roll my eyes playfully

"They didn't tell me what happened in the room when you and I we're alone" Mattia says looking into my eyes

Mattia has such beautiful eyes, especially in the night, the light of the moon really made his eyes pop

"Oh" I nervously giggle and break the eye contact

"And from what I saw from the FaceTime a couple days ago, you looked upset that I didn't remember" Mattia says "and I know your mom didn't get home when you hanged up, you just used it as an excuse to end the call right?"

"Yeah sorry" I admit

"Can I know why you got upset that I didn't remember?" Mattia asks sweetly

"Yea...you were being sweet by calling me cute and it made me feel special you know. I don't really get compliments like that so it felt nice, I guess I was kinda sad that you didn't remember a moment that meant something too me, but it's not your fault and I'm fine now" I say looking down

Mattia grabs my chin and pick it up

"I may not remember it but I mean it" Mattia says making eye contact again "doesn't your boyfriend compliment you?" He says Letting his hand off my chin when he mentioned me having a boyfriend

"He does, but I know he says it because he's my friend, he's the only one who compliments me so I guess I'm used to it I still appreciate it tho, oh and Luca is not my boyfriend" I laugh

"Really?" Mattia widens his eyes Causing me to burst out laughing

"What's so funny" Mattia says with a little laugh

"At the party when I told you he wasn't my boyfriend you said 'so I have a chance' all Exited"I giggle

"Wow so I was being bold, bold huh" he laughs "so do I have a chance?" Mattia says

"I don't know do you?" I say

"Mmm chances are probably super low when your mom doesn't like me"

"And not to make it worse but mom adores luca with all her heart" I sigh

"Enough of this luca talk, pop out that pizza" Mattia says Causing me to smile

"It's a bit cold so sorry about that" I say passing him a slice

"Mmh cold pizza" Mattia says taking a bite of his pizza, making me feel better about bringing cold pizza

We both burst out laughing

After what felt forever we finally finish eating

"So tell me more about yourself" Mattia says  "I wanna know every little detail about you" Mattia smiles

"You know, your not so bad when your not being cocky" I say

"Hahaha your so funny" he says sarcastically "just tell me about yourself" he laughs

"Well I'm 16 and Italian, I guess that's all I know about myself" I laugh

"No way, so am I" Mattia laughs "so how did you and luca met?"

"School, he's my bestfriend" I say

"Oh great" Mattia says "so do you like him ?"

"I used to, I have mixed emotions now" I say

"How come?"

Because of you, I have mixed emotions because of you

"I don't know" I say "your turn, tell me about your love life" I said changing the subject

Mattia laughs "Ehh well I only had one girlfriend" Mattia says "her name was jenna,she was toxic, she's the only girl I really loved and she knew that and took advantage of it, she knows she can play with me whenever she wants, I always fall for her" Mattias smile forms into a frown

"Oh I'm sorry, you deserve better, but I feel you, I only had one boyfriend and he cheated on me, I was upset for so long because me and him did everything together" I said

"Well it was his lost" Mattia smiles

"Well it's jennas lost too" I smile back "so what time is it"

"It's about to be- oh god I have to get you back home" Mattia says "come on" he says as he gets his towels and jogs to his car

He throws the towels in his car and we both go inside the car

"So what time is it ?" I laugh as he never answered my question

"Oh sorry" he laughs "it's about to be four"

Mattia arrived to my house

"Thanks for today, it was low key fun having someone new around" I say

"Anytime" Mattia said

I climbed back to my window and quietly opened my window and walk inside, I turned on a little lamp I had and saw luca sitting in my bed

"Oh my god luca you scared me" I said whispering so I wouldn't wake up my mom

"Where were you ?" Luca says

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