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Kairi has been my favorite, it was really sweet of him to come and hang out with me since he noticed I've been alone after Mattia and I argued, ice cream and a good friend was exactly what I needed. Even thought kairi Makes me think of Mattia a lot since there friends he also makes me forget that I'm sad and puts a smile on my face.

When me and kairi finished our ice cream I offered him a ride home, it was the least I can do after he took me for ice cream and payed for it too, I told him that before i dropped him off I needed to go to my house to get gas money just in case I needed it

When we arrived at my house I didn't want him too stay in The car by himself so I invited him to come inside, I knew my mom wasn't home so things wouldn't be awkward and I wouldn't get in trouble for having a boy over

"Okay wait here" I told kairi as he walked into my living room

I went upstairs to my room and I looked around trying to remember where I put my money, I looked in the last sweater I wore, my pants, and under my bed in case money fell, I couldn't find it anywhere, i have a tendency of hiding my money and forgetting where I hid it, I checked my drawer and there it was, I took it and put in my pocket

Before I walked downstairs I heard talking, my eyes widen as I realized that it was my moms voice that I had heard, I didn't even think twice before I ran downstairs

I turn a bit red as I see my mom and kairi we're right across from each other. I don't know how bad my mom is going to react and I don't want kairi to see her screaming at me

"Hey mom, I didn't know you were home" I say nervously

"Yeah I was in my room, I see you have a friend over" she said

"Yeah that's kairi-" I try to say but my mom interrupts me

"I know, he introduced himself to me already" she said

"Well I got my money, I should take you home now, sorry for making you wait" I turn to kairi

"It's fine" kairi said

"Can you go wait in the car for a while" I told him and he nod

Kairi walked outside and right when I saw him close the door I turned to my mom

"Mom I'm so sorry for bringing him over I just came for gas money and I didn't want to leave him alone in the car" I explained rapidly

"It's fine baby, I'm glad your making new friends" she said

"Really?" I ask surprisingly

"Of course, he was super nice when he saw me so bring him more often" she said

"Thanks ma" I smile "I should get going" I said

"Wait, where did you guys come from?" She asked

"The ice cream shop" I answered "why?"

"I was just wondering, your my daughter I have to know where your at 24/7 but anyways you can go now" my mom said

I quickly made my way to my car and got in

"Sorry for the wait once again" I told kairi

"It's fine" he said "your mom seems cool"

"I guess" I laughed "you know she doesn't like Mattia right" I said as I started driving

"Yeah, he told me and Alejandro" kairi said "but I mean she has her reasons and plus who doesn't like Mattia" he laughs

"Eh I don't think her reasons are reasonable, she can be ignorant at times" I said "but she likes you"

"Yes, a good start" kairi cheers "I knew I was likable" he said

I couldn't help but laugh, I can tell Mattia and kairi both have different type of ways of being cocky, after hanging out with kairi I can see why Mattia likes him so much, I can also see why there such close friends

"Wait so where do you live ?" I asked as I realized I didn't know where I was going

"Actually can you drop me off at Mattias house, he invited me to hang out with him and ale for a while" he said "if it isn't much trouble"

"No worrys" I say

Mattia doesn't live far from my house, since he lives right by the corner store where I work at

When we got there I parked right in front of Mattias house

"Thanks for the ride" he said

"Anytime, thanks for the fun day and the ice cream" I say

"Anytime" he smiled and got out the car as he waved goodbye

I looked at Mattias house and I couldn't help but think about how close me and Mattia are right now, like in distance obviously not in any other way since we haven't talked, I can literally walk out my car, knock on his door and try too fix our problems and smash our beef, it can be as simple as that, if I do go what if he doesn't want to talk to me?

My thoughts were interrupted when I saw someone open the door for kairi

I turned to the staring wheel and start driving again, I really wished that whoever opens the door didn't see me

That would be super weird if someone saw me and told Mattia about it, it would be even worse if Mattia saw me, I'm pretty sure Mattia would probably think I'm a creep and that I was stalking him

I made my way back home and got inside, today Lorenzo was working at the store so I had the rest do the day to myself

I laid in my bed and turned my tv on, i clicked on Netflix and started to watch clueless

Today was a good day, I had fun with kairi, I had ice cream, and my mom liked kairi which means I can hang out with him more often

Thank you so much for 200+ followers, and thank you for everyone who votes and reads my fan fics, it means a lot ❤️

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