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"GO LUCA!" I scream as I was sitting in the bleachers with bunch of people from my school and another school

It was Friday afternoon and my mom let me stay after school for Lucas soccer game

As upset as I was that luca didn't tell me that he made it in the soccer team I had to get over it, it's not like I tell him everything. As I was cheering for luca I over heard these two girls behind me talking

"Number four is super good and cute too" the girls said

Luca was number four

"GO NUMBER FOUR, THATS MY BABY!" I shout louder than before, Luca had heard me and waved at me quickly before turning back to the game

I heard the girls behind me snicker, I didn't turn around to look at them but I knew they were rolling their eyes, which made me chuckle


"You did so good" I run up to luca with a big smile on my face

"I know nineteen to twelve" luca smiles as he talks about the score

"You won you first game" I gave him a peck and hugged him but quickly backed up "ew your all sweaty"

"It's that hard work baby" luca smiles making me laugh

"So do you-" i try and ask luca if he wanted to hang out but I was interrupted

"Yoo luca good game bro" a guy daps him up that I'm pretty sure was in the same team as him

"Thanks, I'll catch you later" luca says To the other guy "so what were you saying" he looked at me

"Oh I was going to say if you wanted to go eat or something" I say

"Oh sorry I can't, I have some plans with my team mates to celebrate our first win" luca says

"What type of plans ?" I ask

"A small party" he shrugs his shoulders

I'm not slow, it's not a 'small party' he's hanging out with the soccer boys, nothings small for them! Ok that sounded kinda nasty but not what I meant

"You should come" luca says

"I have work, text me when you get home okay" I tell luca before walking into my car

"I will" luca kinda shouts as were far away now

I got into my car and drove home just to get a snack but I bumped into my mom

"Oh hey ma, I'm going to the store right now" I say letting her know so she wouldn't question me

"How was the game?" She asked

"Good, Lucas team won" I said with a smile

"Here" my mom said, I looked at her hand and she had my phone, I quickly grab my phone before she regrets giving it back

"Thank you" I smile

"You've been good so far, you can stop turning the camera on but don't lose my trust" my mom says "I don't know what happening too you, but I need you to fix it!"

"I will I'm sorry mom"

My mom nods "now get to work"

I got into my car and drove to work


"Oh hey Elena" I heard a boy voice, I look up and it was the one and only Julian

Never thought he would be talking to me, I'm sure all popular boys are ass holes

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