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Your pov

I wake up too people talking, I check my phone and see it's 7 am, I usually don't wake up this early on the weekends, but once I'm up I can't fall back asleep

I walk downstairs and see my mom and Lorenzo eating in the dining table

"Hey Elena, I made pancakes, eat so we can talk" my mom says and Lorenzo nods

Fuck. I know something is about to go down, she called me by my name, I am fucked

I awkwardly smile, I serve myself a pancake and pour a bit of honey

I sit a chair away from my mom for safety reasons, I cut my pancake and put it in my mouth

"So do you know who Mattia is?" My mom asks

My eyes widen


"Don't act dumb" Lorenzo says

"I don't know who Mattia is" I say

"Oh really?"

"I mean yeah, I've seen him around at the store but don't properly know him" I say

"Well what Lorenzo has told me he's a very bad guy" my mom says

"You know he's tried stealing from the store right?" Lorenzo adds

"I didn't know"

"Well you should've before cheating on luca and getting with a bad influence" my mom says with a bit anger

"What!?" I say confused

"Yeah, I know about you and Mattia! Lorenzo told me" My mom says

"I'm not with Mattia !" I say

"Well that's what Mattia told me, he came screaming at me telling me you liked him" Lorenzo says

"Ugh it gets me so mad at the fact he has no manners" my mom says "just stay away from him! And I will not repeat myself!! If I see you with him it's over with" she slams her hand on the table and I flinched

"How can you just believe Lorenzo" I said

"Okay, Lorenzo tells me Mattia come around the store looking for you so let's see if he came yesterday for you" my mom says taking out her phone

My eyes widen as I realized I turned the camera on yesterday, I start to get pale as I remembered what I gave Mattia yesterday at the store. Fuck

I can see my mom turning red from all the anger as she's seeing yesterday's footage on her phone

"You gave a underage boy a swisher!? You know you just broken the law! What is wrong with you !? See what talking too people like him has done too you!? I did not raise you like this"

"You barely even raise me" I said out of annoyance

"And now you talk back huh? Give me your phone, your grounded"

I pass her my phone and she yanks it from me then gets up and leaves for work

"I'm sorry el but I want what's best for you, and I know that it isn't Mattia" Lorenzo says before getting up leaving to the corner store

El is my nickname in the family, but Lorenzo can not be calling me el after he just got me in trouble for something stupid and snitched on me

You can say I'm a bit mad, but why wouldn't I be, I'm not even with Mattia ! I just learned his name like two days ago!

I walk upstairs and lay in my bed, I soon fall asleep


I eat and quickly drive too school, I can never get early too class

I walk into the school, get my tardy pass and walk into class

I gave my teacher the pass and walk to my seat, which was actually next too luca

"Hey" he whispers as the teacher is teaching a lesson

"Hi" I say

"You okay, you got like no emotion today" he kinda laughs

"My mom was screaming at me yesterday" I say

"What why??"

"You know that guy that I told you was flirting with me in the corner store and the one who happens to be at the store yesterday "

"Yeah" he fidgets with his hair

"Well it looks like him and Lorenzo don't get along well, and who can judge, barely anyone gets along with Lorenzo" I say "Lorenzo lied too my mom and told her me and Mattia were a thing, and Lorenzo told all the bad things about Mattia to my mom, so now my mom doesn't want me near him. I also kinda gave him a swisher yesterday and my mom saw on the camera "

"Mattia?" He says

"That's his name" I reassure him

"Well maybe your mom has a point, I will always pick your side in arguments like these, I'm just trying to see her point of view" luca says kinda scared that I'm going to snap at him since he's defending my mom " you knew the camera was on and you still gave him the swisher"

"Okay that was my fault and I deserve to be screamed at but she need too know that what Lorenzo told her was not true" I say "why can't she be on my side and believe m-"

"Elena, Luca please stop talking, do you guys want to be separated?" The teacher says

"No sorry sir" luca says while I bring my head down to the table

For the rest of the class me and luca didn't talk but I still felt his eyes on me

When school was over I went straight too my room when I got home, I didn't want to face my mom, I understand that breaking the law was hitting but shes honestly wrong for always being in Lorenzos side.

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