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Two weeks had passed and everything was back like it was suppose to be, I started sneaking out to hang out with Mattia and I felt that we had got closer to each other

The only time I don't sneak out to see Mattia is when I'm with my dad, he lets me go out with him, my dad still hasn't met Mattia, I just want to actually know that what me and Mattia have is serious in order for him to meet my dad

I was currently working once again at the corner store for my mom

"How much" a little boy around eight or nine years old said

"Free" I smile "don't worry about it" I say

"Wouldn't that be stealing?" He asked

"No I'll pay for it" I said

"Thanks" the boys smiled and left

I started cleaning up the store a bit when I heard the door open

"Hey beautiful" a happy Mattia said walking threw the door

"Hey tia" I smile at him

"Are you free tonight ?" He asked as he placed himself behind me hugging my waist as I continued cleaning

"Yeah why?" I ask

"Okay then I'm going to need you to sneak out the house again" he said ignoring my question

"Where we going ?" I asked

"I'll pick you up at twelve" he smiled

"Oh Okay" I gave him a small confused smile

"I'll see you later, I have to go" he said

"You just came in here to ask me to hang out ?" I ask

"Pretty much" he kissed my cheek

"You know you could've just texted me right ?" I say

"Yeah but I wanted to do it in person plus I wanted to see you even if it's just for seconds" he said

"Your so cute" I hugged him and kissed his lips softly

"No I'll let you work at peace" he smiled "bye" he waved

"Bye" I said as he walked away


I got out the shower and went straight to my closet, I didn't know know what to wear, Mattia didn't tell me if we were going somewhere fancy or not, I'm pretty sure he didn't want to tell me because he kept ignoring me when I asked him

I decided on something simple, I just put on some comfy leggings and a plain white oversized shirt

I laid in my bed and waited for Mattia

"Honey" my mom said from the other side of the door

"It's open" I say as I cover the lower half of me in my blanket so she wouldn't see I was dressed, if she saw she would had asked where I was going and why so late, then ask why I didn't ask permission then ground me

"Hey, what are you doing ?" My mom asked

"Nothing why?" I ask

"Just wondering? How's things with your dad" she asked

"Good" I said, I was trying to cut the conversation short

It's weird having a conversation with my mother, it's weird and awkward most of the time

"Are you seeing Mattia ?" My mom asked with her eyebrows furrowed which caught me by surprise

"No" I said extending the 'o' it was really bad timing to ask that type of questions at the fact that Mattia will be here for me soon

What else could've I said except no? My mom is already strict I don't need her breathing down my neck which she would if she found out I was seeing Mattia

"Why would you ask that" I wondered

It was random for her to ask about Mattia, the last time she talked about Mattia was when she was telling me that I wasn't allowed to be near him, not even breath the same air

What if my dad told her about Mattia, I doubt it, my dad and her cant talk without arguing, my mom hates him and I know my dads no snitch

Maybe luca told her, thinking about my mom knowing about me and Mattia gave me chills, if she knows everything is over for me and Mattia and I'm not ready to get off this roller coaster me and Mattia have been in

"Just asking, I want to make sure you're following my rules and behaving like the women you are" my mom said saying 'women' with a serous tone

I hate how women have to behave and be a certain way because we're women, we have to be responsible, respectful and sit up straight, dress a certain way and all that dumb stuff

"Of course" I sat with a fake smile

"Well I'll let you have your rest, I should get to sleeping too" my mom said before leaving my room

I went in my phone as I waited for Mattia to come pick me up, it didn't take long for my eyes to start feeling heavy and closing up


I felt small taps on my shoulder, I fluttered my eyes open as I rubbed them, I see a blurry black figure next to me in my bed starring down at me

It frightened me causing my first reaction to raise my hand and smack the scary figure

"Ow what the hell was that for" a deep voice said in a whisper tone

So sorry for not posting in a long time
I'll try my best to post more often

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