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"What the hell?" I smile "your fucking weird" I let out a small laugh

"You think that's weird?" Mattia asks

"Yeah, If your straight" I giggle "What even goes threw your mind when you send your guy friends booty pics" me and Mattia just burst out laughing

It was Tuesday after noon and Right now I was laying in my bed next too Mattia talking about random things, my mom wasn't home and Lorenzo was working so I took my chances and invited Mattia over

"Oh my god, one time when I went to the doctor for a check up, I saw this blue little bucket with red wrapper inside of it and I thought they were skittles so I walked up to it to grab some and they were condoms" I said causing Mattia to laugh even harder

"Your so dumb" Mattia chuckles

"I was just hungry" I giggle

"So what you do all week? I'm pretty sure whatever you Did, it was boring because you weren't with me" Mattia says

"Ew" I giggle "actually I went to a party on Friday " I said

"Oh really?" Mattia scoots closer


"How was it?" Mattia asked

"At first it was kind of uncomfortable, because I didn't knew no one and I couldn't drink since my mom knew I was going to the party but then it got better" I smile as I started remembering Sebastien, in a friend way of course

"How come" Mattia says

"Oh I met a boy" I said

"A boy!?" Mattia farrowed his eyebrows in jealousy

I shrug it off and decided on not putting attention to Mattias jealously "at first I was kinda being a bitch to him because he gave me the vibes you did when I first met you but then he was kinda chill and fun to talk too" I laugh

"What vibes?" Mattia asks with curiosity

"The f boy vibes" I laugh

"Wow" Mattia chuckles

"Can't lie " I giggle

"I give f boy vibes because I'm bold ?" Mattia asks


"Okay but if your sneaking me in and sneaking out for me then it worked" Mattia smirks

"Whatever" I roll my eyes Making Mattia laugh

"So who's party was it ?" Mattia asks

"Julians party, he's the guy that you said was all over me at the store, Lucas friend"

"I hate him" Mattia rolls his eyes

"You haven't even met him" I laugh

"Yeah but he flirts with you" Mattia said

"No he doesn't" I chuckle

"Yes he does and plus he's Lucas friend"


"And I don't like luca either but hear me out, how does it look when you know your friend has a thing with a girl and yet you still flirt with her, that's like against bro code and thats exactly what that Julian boy is doing" Mattia crosses his arms

"Me and luca have a thing?" I ask as a joke

"It's an example, kinda" Mattia says

"If me and luca are a thing how come you still hit on me" I joke

"I like a challenge"

I roll my eyes "I don't think me and luca are a thing anymore"

"I know" Mattia smiles "which makes things better for me"

"Don't get full of yourself now" I giggle

"Come here" Mattia pulls me closer too him and lays his head on my stomach

"Gosh you make me soft" Mattia groans and leaves a trail of kisses on my stomach

I blush and ran my hand threw his hair

"I wish I can't be like this all day and every day" Mattia mumbled

"We can make plans for Friday this week and nexts week" I says as I rub his cheek

"I can't, I have practice and my coach is being very tuff on us because we have a big game coming up" Mattia said sounding bummed

"Aww" I sigh

"Do you do any sports?" Mattia asked

"Nope, I used to be really into soccer when I was little but my mom said that was for boys" I looked down "since then I haven't kicked a soccer ball"

"No way" Mattia say up "I always carry a soccer ball in my trunk" he smiled "I'll go get it and we can play in your back yard"

"Oh my god yes! Your so sweet" I smile

"Come on, go to your back yard and I'll meet you there" I nod and Mattia goes to his car while I go too my yard

Mattia soon made his way to my back yard with his soccer ball

"Are you sure this is fine?" I say referring to playing soccer

"Of course, your moms not here plus she sports shouldn't be putting a gender labeled on things that obviously make you happy" Mattia gave me a smile

Mattia passed me the ball and we started playing, I missed the feeling of kicking a ball, when I was younger my dad was a huge soccer fan, so obviously he teach me all about it, until my mom stopped us, my dad hated that my mom told me soccer was just for boys but couldn't do nothing about it since he didn't want me seeing them argue, I miss my dad so much

I'm glad I have Mattia, and I'm glad he got me to play soccer again, soccer made me so happy, it makes me feel like I'm still with my dad, I wish my mom and dad never separated

It started to get late, time flies by when your having fun

"Hey I should get going" Mattia says opening his arms for a hug

"Yeah I know" I hug him

"I miss you already" Mattia laughed

"Kinda sad I'm not going to see you for two weeks" I sigh as I remember he had practice and can't hang

"I know, my coach is too serious about his job" Mattia chuckles "but don't forget, you can always call me" he smiles "I'll make sure you text you every day too, it will feel like we're still together"

That just warmed my heart

"And I'll call you every night" I smile

I gave Mattia one more tight hug before he left

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