Chapter 25

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Elijah's POV...

I stormed out of the car, parking it on the side of the road. I was beyond pissed because Penelope wouldn't leave the room unless he's taken her captive. I would be happy to snap his neck, but I needed to find Penelope first. I hear the second door close as Alexa trails behind me, locking the doors. "E! Wait!" She rushes behind me, trying to keep up but I needed to find Penelope. He could be killing her and I needed to save her. He could be loaded and executing her as I thought.

"Elijah!" Alexa yelling while whispering as she catches up. She jumps in front of me. "Could you calm down for a second?!" She grabs her head, looking around. We were in the middle of a bush and there was no sign of a car. I didn't see where they turned, but I was going to find Penelope. "I know you are angry right now-"

"Let me be." I continued walking, looking around. "We don't have any time to waste."

"What's your plan?" Alexa wonders, following me. "Penelope's good at what she does, can't you trust that?"

"No!" I call back, moving branches out of my way and moving past logs. "It's not her I can't trust, it's him."

She growls, rolling her head. "See?! This is what I've been talking about lately." I turned to her, seeing rage. "You're mixing business with pleasure! Penelope knows-"

"Shut the hell up, Alexa!" I order. "Penelope knows not to leave the motel room, but she's not there anymore. She has absolutely no eyes on her and she is in danger. Forget about it." It was like talking to a brick wall. I was wasting time bickering with Alexa.

Alexa recluses. "Look, I know...I get it. You're angry, but you are acting reckless by going into without a leveled head. You could blow this entire operation out of the water. What's your plan?"

"I'm going to kill him." I planned. That's all I planned. Whether Penelope was potentially dead or not, I was going to kill him. I didn't want to do this anymore. Risking Penelope's loss would be a setback for me, even if it's a pleasure thing. I made a promise that she'll have eyes on her all the time, but of course, there isn't one on her.

Alexa nods her head and calls out. "Elijah!" She starts running to her left, discovering a dirt road. "It's a dirt road."

I chase after her as I needed to see it too. My chest became heavy as we followed it for a while. It took us fifteen minutes to reach the edge of the wood, finding a warehouse not too far.

Alexa sighs in relief, pointing to Spaz's car. "They're still here." She leans forward, trying to catch a deep breath.

I squinted my eyes, counting the cars. "It's busy. I need to get in there-"

Alexa grabs my chest, stopping me. "No! You're one man and there's got to be at least fifty men in there. They'll be happy to have your head, Elijah." She points out. I wasn't thinking rationally, but just about Penelope. "We can't go in there because we won't be getting out." Alexa takes her out her phone and zooms into the warehouse, taking photos of it. "Penelope actually lead us to the warehouse."

I looked at Alexa, highly upset she wouldn't let me go in there. "Since we can't go in there, what do you suggest we do?"


"What?" It could be until night fall he leaves. "We can't wait all day for him to get out."

"For Pen, Elijah." She peers through her phone. "We'll wait for Penelope."

I looked forward and pierced my lips. I didn't want to wait for Penelope to come out in chance she won't. We were under harsh winter weather and we were going to freeze. Shit.

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