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Sirius sat bolt upright in his bed when he saw the time on his clock, which read 7:34.

'Shit I'm gunna be late,' He thought as he scrambled out of bed and ran into the bathroom to take a very quick shower. Once he was done, he got dressed in record time, tied his hair up in a quick messy bun, scarfed down a piece of toast, grabbed his bag and sketchbook and ran out of his house after yelling goodbye to his Aunt Alya Prewett. He ran out onto the pavement and skidded to a halt just as he reached a black VW car that belonged to his friend Dorcas.

"You shit Sirius Black!" She exclaimed when Sirius got in and she started the car, "You were nearly late, and I was gunna leave without you! Have you put your bike in the car?"

"Sorry D," Sirius said meekly, "And no I haven't."

"Well go do it. It's Monday, remember?" Dorcas slapped his hands as he jumped back out and grabbed his bike from the garage, shoving it into the boot. He climbed back into the car and yanked his seatbelt on as Dorcas sped down the roads to the college. She rolled her eyes at him and threw him a cheeky smile as she turned the radio on. They sang their hearts out to all the songs that came on the radio and were laughing so hard when they pulled up in the college car park. As he got out of the car, Sirius heard a roar of a motorbike nearby and he looked around to see the school's heartthrob Remus Lupin climbing off his sleek black motorbike. He tugged off his helmet and ran a hand through his beautiful curls, making Sirius's knees go weak. Sirius was so busy staring; he didn't hear Dorcas calling him until she shouted in his ear, making him start.

"Earth to Sirius," She laughed at his startled face, "Come on lover boy, we have class."

"Sorry D," Sirius said, "It's not my fault he is so fucking gorgeous."

"Alright shut up. If you keep going on about boys, you might run the risk of turning me straight! And you know Marls would kill you if you did that."

Sirius looked sceptically at her and rolled his eyes.

"The day you are straight is the day Mr. Dumbledore comes to school in drag," He deadpanned.

Dorcas doubled up laughing at that and almost dropped her bag. She hit him on the shoulder and grinned at him.

"I'm gunna tell Marls you said that. She will piss herself laughing. Anyway. I've got geography now so I'm stopping here. What have you got?"

"Double art with Lils then a free. Which I'm gunna spend in the library. I take it you, Lils, Marls and Alice will join me for that free?" Sirius said.

"Not Al or Marls. Al's got some drama meeting and Marls has history. But me and Lils will come," Dorcas said and stopped at the door to the geography department and grinned at him, "See you then."

"Bye D!" Sirius yelled and walked on towards the main school where the art department was, his sketchbook tucked under his arm. When he arrived in the main school, he turned down one corridor and promptly dropped his sketchbook after tripping over his own feet. He bent down to pick it up and once he looked up, all he saw was James Potter, who wasn't looking where he was going, and he was heading straight for Sirius. Sirius didn't have any time to dodge out of the way and James collided into him, making him fall over and drop his sketchbook again. James swore at him and kicked his sketchbook down the corridor, out of his reach as he walked past laughing, followed by all his friends apart from one.

Remus looked hesitant at first, but then he ran down the corridor, picked up Sirius's sketchbook and handed it back to him, smiling. Sirius couldn't focus for a moment. He was frozen, leaning against the wall, shaking and breathing fast. That was so like what They used to do to him. Push him down, make fun of him. They did it much worse, obviously, but James doing that still reminded him of everything he had left behind. It reminded him of what They did. He heard Remus ask, 'Are you okay? Are you with me?' and that made him snap out of his panic. He mumbled something to Remus and then Remus ran off, back to his friends.
'Fuck,' Sirius thought, 'Fuck, fuck. I never want to remember them. Never.'

"Sirius!" He heard a voice and looked up to see Lily running up to him, "Siri. Are you okay? I saw what happened. Are you alright?" She babbled, looking worried.

"I-I'm okay. I think. It just reminded me of Them. You know? They would do that kind of stuff. Only much worse. I had a mini panic attack. And I just..." Sirius shivered, and Lily wrapped her arms around him, letting him rest his forehead on her shoulder.

"Oh Siri. I'm sorry. It was Potter, the bastard. I'm gunna give him a piece of my mind and he better apologise," She said, glaring over at James.

"No. Lils it's okay. Can we just go to art?" Sirius said, not wanting to draw any attention to himself.

"It's not okay. Come on!" She marched down the corridor towards the psychology classrooms, her beautiful red hair swaying as she walked, with Sirius closely following her. They walked up to the Marauders and Lily had a right go at James. She shouted at him and Sirius started to get embarrassed.

"Lily," He said and tugged her sleeve, "It's fine. Please. Don't. Can we just go?"

"No Siri. They hurt you-"

"They really didn't-"

But Lily cut across him again and faced James, her eyes literally boring holes into his soul. When she turned back to James, Sirius gave up on her and let his eyes wander the rest of the group, where they came to rest on Remus.

Remus was, in Sirius's opinion, the hottest boy to ever have set foot on the planet. He had amazing curly brown hair that he just left alone and would run a hand through it every so often, messing it up. He wore a black studded leather jacket, black ripped jeans, a white t-shirt and black Doc Martins. He also had several ear piercings and cool bikers' gloves and that just added to his appearance. He was bloody gorgeous.

Just then, Remus caught his eye and Sirius blushed, turning away, but not before he saw Remus blush as well. He focused back onto the argument and heard James tell Lily to chill, so before Lily could say anything else, he pulled her back and spoke again:

"Lily. Let's go. Please?"

Lily looked back at him and her face softened. She sighed, nodded and turned to leave, but not before scowling fiercely at the Marauders. Just before they moved, Sirius heard James laugh again.

"Oh Evans. Always knew you were too soft to throw a punch!"

'Crap,' Sirius thought. He turned and saw Lily was no longer beside him, but was back, facing James. She curled her fist and Sirius made to grab her but missed, and Lily's fist connected with James's nose, causing him to howl in pain.

"Never," Lily spat, "Never mess with me, or my friends." She glowered at James, grabbed Sirius's arm and stormed off down the corridor towards the art department. When they had put a few corridors between them and the psychology classrooms, Lily breathed out and lent against the wall, pressing her palms into her head.

"He is such a shit!" She said, rubbing her head, "Hell if I ever see him again-"

"Lil calm down. Just breathe. Okay?" Sirius cut across her and put his hand on her shoulder,
"I appreciate you wanted to stick up for me back there, but maybe you went just a little over the top." Lily looked up at him and smiled.

"What, a bloody nose a bit too much?"

"Yeah. Next time aim for his stomach," Sirius replied and grinned as Lily laughed and punched his shoulder lightly.

"But honestly, I hate him. He's such an arse and I can't believe he did that to you," She said and hugged Sirius again. Sirius just huffed out a laugh and the two of them went into their art class, smiling and chatting. But Sirius could not stop thinking about Remus.

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