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The days passed slowly, but soon, it was Saturday, the day of The Date. Okay, so it wasn't an official date, but Remus didn't know what else to call it, so it was just The Date. It kinda was a date; two boys getting coffee, but they barely knew each other, and they were just friends. Plus, Sirius was straight. Wasn't he? Well, Remus didn't know otherwise, but he knew not to just assume gender or sexuality, so maybe he did have a chance. Who knows?

It was 2:40, and he was going to be late if he didn't hurry, so he grabbed his backpack and motorbike helmet and went round to the garage where his bike was. Boy it looked beautiful. Remus took great pride in his bike, making sure it was always clean and presentable, preferably shining, and today, it positively gleamed. Remus grinned as he climbed onto it, shoving his helmet down on his curls. He left the house and drove through Hogsmeade, making his way to the small car park near the college.

On his way to the college to meet Sirius, he bumped into James, who was standing outside Zonko's joke shop, so he stopped to say hi.

"Jamie!" He yelled, causing James to look up.

"Alright Re?" James smiled.

"Always mate," Remus said, grinning, "What you doing here?"

"I'm getting some stuff for my next prank on my Spanish teacher. And I had to get Evans a book from Tomes and Scrolls," James said, and he held up his heavy bag. Remus quirked an eyebrow and James blushed, "Shut up Re."

Remus chuckled, "Nope. Anyway, I've gotta go. I'm meeting Sirius by college then we are going to the Three Broomsticks."

"Oohh! Have fun lover boy!" James called.

"Piss off!" Remus shouted over his shoulder, but he was grinning. He wandered slowly through the streets of Hogsmeade, towards the college, and his heart nearly stopped as he saw what was before him.

Sirius, with his hair tied in a low messy bun, a pencil tucked behind his ear, sporting a green fuzzy jumper and blue jeans, was leaning on the fence next to the college name plaque holding a small black book, a bag at his feet. As Remus came closer, he saw that Sirius had a small smile on his face and he pulled the pencil out from behind his ear, causing a few hairs to fall over his face. He moved the pencil over the paper, sketching, and his smile widened as he drew. It was adorable and Remus's heart was fluttering as he walked closer to the other boy.

"Hey," He said, startling Sirius, who jumped and nearly dropped his book.

"Oh, hey Remus! Sorry. I didn't hear you coming," Sirius smiled again and tucked a stray hair behind his ear, oblivious to the fact that Remus was about to spontaneously combust with a cuteness overload, "Shall we?"

The two boys walked through Hogsmeade, keeping up a steady flow of chatter, making their way to the Three Broomsticks, where they joined the small queue.

"Hello, what would you like today?" The lady at the counter smiled at the boys.

"Hi, I'll have a cappuccino please," Remus said, "Sirius?"

"An iced coffee please," Sirius answered, digging in his pocket for some money. Remus saw this and gently put a hand on his arm.

"I will," He muttered into Sirius's ear, and when he pulled out his wallet from his bag, he saw that Sirius had a light blush on his cheeks and Remus hid a smile. Once they had collected their drinks, they chose to sit at a table for two by the window so they could watch passers-by and enjoy the sunlight.

"How's college?" Remus asked as they sat down.

"Hard. You have no idea how much coursework I have and how much I missed when I was in hospital," Sirius groaned, dropping his head on the table. When he looked back up at Remus through his long lashes, Remus's heart was just about fit to burst. Sirius gave him a lazy grin and sat upright again, reaching out to take his drink, "You?"

"Not bad. Mrs. White has given us so much music work and history is just hell, as Evans might've told you. Binns is so fucking dull. Like, I cannot stay awake in his class. Luckily, Evans does, so she lends me her notes," Remus said, taking a sip of his coffee, "We kinda became mutual friends after the incident a few days ago. She thought I wasn't too much of an arsehole since I helped you and then I went with you to hospital so, we're cool."

"That's cool," Sirius mused.

"Yeah isn't it."

"What's the deal with her and Potter?"

"He really likes her. It's hilarious," Remus started laughing, "He is in love and he can't stop going on about her."

"Oh wow," Sirius laughed as well, "She hates him. Like, so much. As in, she really hates him!"

"Oh God," Remus had to put down his coffee as he was laughing so hard. Sirius grinned shyly at him and Remus beamed back at him, "This is amazing."

"Ha. It is, isn't it?" Sirius took another sip of his iced coffee and looked out of the window. Remus took this opportunity to stare at him, taking in all the small details of his face. The little crinkles at the corner of his mouth as a smile had stuck itself on his lips. The shine in his eyes where the sunlight reflected at just the right angle. The curls that framed his face just perfectly. The smile on Sirius's face grew slightly and he huffed a slight laugh.

"You're staring," He said, making Remus blush.

"No, I'm not," Remus protested.

"Your eyes and blush say otherwise," Sirius said.

"I... You... I... Shut up," Remus squirmed in his seat and Sirius laughed.

The two boys continued to sit and chat in the coffee shop for another hour, before Remus looked at his watch and jumped.

"Shit. I didn't realise it was this late, I was having so much fun," He said, "I have to go, I'm so sorry."

"It's cool. I have to get back as well. I need to work on my art coursework. This was fun," Sirius smiled at Remus.

"Yeah, it was. Want to do it again some time?" Remus smiled back as they walked out of the Three Broomsticks and back towards the car park.

"Definitely. I would love to. Maybe sometime after school?" Sirius asked. "Yeah. Whenever. What did you come on?"

"I cycled here," Sirius gestured to his bike that was chained in the bike rack.

"Oh cool!" Remus grinned.

"Yeah. Anyway. I better go. Thanks for such a great time," Sirius clipped on his helmet and climbed on his bike. He seemed to hesitate before he left, then he grabbed Remus's hand and pulled him into a hug, "Thank you Remus."

Remus was slightly stunned but wrapped his arms around Sirius's waist. "You're welcome. See you on Monday?"

"I'll see you then. Bye," Sirius let Remus go and cycled out of the car park.

Remus sighed and walked over to his own motorbike, pulling on his helmet. He really was arse over tit in love with Sirius. He wondered, as he drove down the road, if Sirius liked him back. After all, Sirius had hugged him, and had enjoyed their time together. And to top it all off, he had wanted to go on another date! Well, non-date, as they weren't dating.

Yet. Said a small voice at the back of Remus's mind. Yet. They weren't dating yet. Hopefully, they would be soon.

a/n hi guys!! i hoped you like this chapter. their getting there hehe. but *cough* angst *cough* soon *cough* ahem. what? hmm? angst? what reaaaaaalllly? nooooooo! neverrrrrrr! anyway do y'all want this posted on ao3 as well??? just wondering hehe :))) anyway. ciao for now. see ya next chapter!!!!

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