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Dammit planning a party was hard. Especially since it was supposed to be a surprise party and it makes it ten times harder to plan a surprise party when you rarely get any time alone with the party planners.

The Marauders, Lily, Alice, Marlene and Dorcas were finding it really hard to get anytime together, without Sirius, to plan the party. They had to come up with excuse after excuse to get away from Sirius, and they hated to do it. The look on his face after they had let him down once again, was really upsetting, but they had to do it, else they would never get the party planned. They had ended up in sorting out a rota of who would keep Sirius away – achem – spend time with Sirius, while the others were sorting out things for the party and today, the day before Sirius's birthday, it was Remus's turn to stay with Sirius.


(Remus's texts are in italics, Sirius's in bold)
Hi Re
I'm going to go to the Three Broomsticks for supper today after class. Want to come?
I sooooooo would but I'm going cycling
Aw dam hope you have fun
Ta :)
Where you going?
Around taking a picnic with me wanna join?
Do you wanna come with me? On my cycle for a picnic?
Yeah I would love to!
Cool. Meet me out the front of college at 4.30?
Okay see you then :)


Remus leant up against the railings of college with his bike, hands in pockets, cigarette between his teeth, thinking while he waited for Sirius. He was thinking about Sirius's party as he waited. He had been put in charge of organising the games, which meant he had to find a giant beach ball, a volleyball set, and some cricket thinks for French cricket. He had actually managed to find everything he needed and was looking forward to setting everything up at the beach the next day.

"You don't smoke do you?" A voice asked near him and he looked up at Sirius.

"Sometimes. Not much," Remus replied, taking the cigarette out of his mouth and dropping it on the floor, crushing it with his trainer. Sirius looked at the crushed cigarette with disgust.

"Nasty habit, smoking," He said, wrinkling his nose. Remus made a mental note to try and quit smoking. If Sirius hated it, he would stop.

"I will try and quit," He promised, "Now, where are we going?"

Sirius smiled, "I thought we could cycle up round the back of college, along the hill paths, up to the second hill, then down to the Shrieking Shack, through Hogsmeade, stop at the lake to eat then cycle home."

"Yeah that sounds perfect!" Remus said, strapping on his helmet, "Shall we?"

"We shall," Sirius said, and they both got onto their bikes, starting to cycle around the back of college and up the hill.

It was a long and gruelling cycle, and Remus found it quite difficult to keep up with Sirius sometimes, mostly when they were going uphill. Sirius seemed to be finding this easy, but then again, Sirius might've done this cycle a lot. It may have been hard, but that didn't mean it wasn't enjoyable. Remus loved every minute he was out there, riding through the village and over the hills.

When they arrived at the lake, Remus was very sweaty and tired. He flopped down onto the grass, panting and smiling.

"You look dead," Sirius commented as he sat down next to Remus, grinning.

"Gee thanks," Remus huffed, "I don't do that cycle often. Actually, that's the first time I have done it."

"Really?" Sirius said, pulling some food out of his back and handing Remus a sandwich.

"Yeah. How often do you do it?"

"At least once a week. Maybe more. Depends on how I'm feeling."

The Cute College BoyWhere stories live. Discover now