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Holy fuck. Remus. Remus had come to visit. Remus had smiled at him and had laughed with him and Alya. Remus had wanted to be there and had enjoyed being there, in the hospital with him and Alya.

Bad-boy Remus Lupin had called the ambulance. Cool-kid Remus Lupin had come with him to hospital. Heartthrob Remus Lupin had stayed through his surgery and visited the next day.

Remus was all Sirius could think about after the visit. The image of the tall boy revolved around his head. He couldn't get Remus's fucking smile out of his head. The way Remus had looked at him when he came in, he looked like he actually cared about Sirius. Sirius had loved having Remus there. Not that he didn't love Alya, but Remus made the hospital seem brighter whenever he was in it. The smile he gave Sirius, the way he laughed, his fucking curls. Everything about him was beautiful and bright and perfect. He made Sirius's world so much lighter. He couldn't get Remus out of his head for the rest of the day, and it was driving him insane. Remus was driving him insane.

He was in a bad mood when Lex came in that evening to check up on him and grumbled at her. She noticed, and once she had finished her check-up, she sat next to him on his bed and folded her arms, looking expectantly at him.

"What?" He said, staring defiantly back at her.

"You are in a bad mood and you are going to tell me now right now or I'll get Jason to do your check tomorrow," Lex replied.

"Hey, no fair! You can't blackmail a patient! And you know I hate Jason," Sirius whined, and Lex laughed at him.

"So, tell me what's up. I know you and you are going to tell me."

"Fine," Sirius threw her a killer glare, but he told her anyway.

He told her all about Remus. How perfect Remus was, how his hair was amazing and looked so soft, how his laugh made Sirius's heart flutter, how his smile was a genuine smile, how he looked like he cared about Sirius and how good he looked in his biker's gear.

Sirius spent a whole seven minutes explaining all of this to Lex, and she just sat and listened, nodding in all the right places, and by the time Sirius was finished, she understood exactly what was going on inside his head.

"You love him," She said, smiling down at the frustrated boy.

"Yeah, I bloody well do, and he doesn't love me back. He just thinks of me as this poor boy who got hit by a car while saving his life. I'm pathetic. Practically every girl in the school has a crush on him. He will pick one of them and forget all about me," Sirius grumbled.

"Well, he obviously won't forget about you. He stayed yesterday after your surgery and he visited you today. I saw him yesterday while he was waiting with Alya after your surgery. He looked so worried about you and half the time; he wouldn't let go of your hand. I heard him talking to Alya while I was monitoring you, and he sounded proper concerned about you," Lex looked down at Sirius, who was staring at the ceiling, his face clouded with emotions, "Love, don't worry about it. When you get out, why don't you ask to meet him for a coffee date or something."

"I can't do that! He is Remus fucking Lupin! The coolest kid of Hogwarts. The heartthrob of the college. I can't just walk up to him and say; 'hey Remus, want to come and get coffee sometime?' can I?" Sirius wailed.

"Okay, okay," Lex sighed and brushed some hair out of Sirius's face, "Well let's not think about it now. Let's think about this: You are being discharged tomorrow. Alya is coming to pick you up at ten."

It took Sirius a moment to process this information as he was still focused on Remus, but when he had, he yelled and pulled Lex into a hug. Lex laughed, hugging Sirius back and grinned at him.

"Alright there's the Sirius I know. Anyway. I'll see you tomorrow for final checks and to give you rules and stuff before you go. See you," Lex grinned and got off the bed.

"See you Lex. And thanks," Sirius smiled as he burrowed under the covers of his bed. Once he knew Lex was gone, he reached out and grabbed his phone from his bedside table, needing to send his friends a text:

Heyyyyyy GUESS WHAT!!! I'm being discharged tomorrow at ten!!!!!! I don't think I'll come to college tomorrow, but please can you guys come to mine after lessons and we can watch a movie or whatever. Love youuuuuuuu <3

He then thought for a moment, before sending one to Remus:
(Remus's texts are in italics and Sirius's texts are in bold)
Hi ummmm so I just wanted to say thanks again for coming to visit. Also, I've been discharged! Alya is picking me up tomorrow at 10. :).

It was only a matter of moments before Remus replied to him.

WELL DONE THAT'S AMAZING!!!!!!!!! And it's okay. Will you be at college tomorrow?
I don't think so. Ally will want me to stay home probs. But I'll be back day after.
Dam :( But still yay that you're out!
Thanks :)
No worries. I gtg. Am in music and prof is staring at me........I'll see you when you get out. Byeeeeeee
Bye :)

Sirius smiled and rolled onto his side (the side that wasn't sore) and closed his eyes. It was boring at the hospital without any visitors, so when he was there, Sirius spent most of his time sleeping, or reading, but today he was tired and just wanted to sleep.

When he awoke, the hospital was deserted. No-one was around and it was cold. Sirius could see his own breath, and he pulled a jumper on over his head.

"Hello?" He called, getting out of bed to search for someone, "Lex? Ally? Jason?"

There was no reply, only the sound of footsteps echoing down the corridor. Coming towards him. The door before him swung open, and into the room, stepped a familiar figure. It was a boy, with brown curly hair and a leather jacket, stained red with blood. Behind him, another, shorter figure came in, a girl with short black hair and ripped jeans. The two people advanced towards Sirius and Sirius found himself stuck to the floor, like a spell had cursed his feet to stick to the floor.

"Sirius. I can't believe I helped you. I should have just left you to die in the car park. You're worthless and pathetic. I can't believe you," The boy was so close, and Sirius could tell who it was, Remus, "You are utterly useless, and you are just a pathetic coward. I will never love you."


"Oh, be quiet boy," The girl, or rather woman as Sirius could tell it was Alya, came and stood next to Remus, "I agree with him. Why I took you in, I have no idea. I should have dumped you at an orphanage or left you to die. You don't deserve anything, you pathetic boy."

Remus and Alya started to back off then, smiling evilly at something behind Sirius, whose blood ran cold when he heard a cold voice behind him.

"Alya! Thank you for calling me. I see why you did. I shall deal with him now."

Sirius turned around to see Walburga stood behind him, holding a knife. She grinned wickedly at him, raised the knife, and thrust it straight through Sirius's heart.

He woke again, sweating and panting, and he was in total darkness. He didn't trust anything, so he waited for a moment, before he heard breathing from the other people on the ward, then he let himself breathe and relax. He curled up into a small ball, and pressed his hand to his heart, which was beating rapidly.

"Fucking hell," Sirius whispered to himself. He curled up tighter, lying in the blackness, listening to the sounds on the ward. He didn't get any sleep that night.

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