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Lily, Alice, Marlene and Dorcas were all waiting at the door after their classes, armed with a wide selection of movies and Sirius's favourite chocolate, ready for an amazing afternoon of friends and movies and chocolate. When Lily rang the doorbell, Alya answered it instantly and sighed with relief when she saw the girls.

"Oh, thank the Lord you're here," She said, ushering them inside, "Come in, Sirius is in the living room. Best be careful, he's not allowed to over-exert himself. Just go on through," She smiled at the girls as they went into the living room.

"Heya Siri," Alice said, sitting down on the floor in front of where Sirius was sat, "How you feeling?"

"Hi guys. I'm okay. Head's a bit sore but otherwise I'm okay. Whatchya got there, Marls?" Sirius said, eyeing the bag on her lap. Marlene grinned and in response, she opened the bag and emptied it of its contents onto the floor in the middle of the circle they were all sat in.

"Chocolate and movies," She said, grinning at the group.

"MARLS YOU'RE THE BEST!" Sirius yelled, and he tugged Marlene's hand, pulling her into a fierce hug.

"Oi!" Alice protested, "We were involved too ya know?" She folded her arms and pouted in mock anger until Sirius insisted that they have a group hug. After the girls had detached themselves from Sirius and had placed themselves around the small living room, Alya came in, holding a tray of hot chocolate and biscuits.

"Don't give me all the 'Alya we're seventeen!' nonsense else I will skin ya," She said, her eyes shining as she put the tray on the coffee table, "Have a good afternoon," She smiled and left the room, shutting the door behind her.

"Thanks Ally!" Sirius shouted after her, "So, which movie shall we watch?"

"This one," Dorcas said from her position strewn across Marlene's lap. She held up a film that Sirius had never seen before 'Kill Your Darlings' and there was an enthusiastic 'yes' from Alice and Lily.

"Sure," Sirius shrugged, "I've never seen it. Is it good?"

"Oh darling," Marlene scoffed at him, running her hands through Dorcas's hair, "It is amazing. D and I watched it a few months ago on one of our dates. Trust us, it's really good."

The five friends were soon all captivated in the magic of the film, following the characters on their story. Sirius found the whole story fascinating, and for a whole two hours, he was distracted from Remus and he was just having fun, watching a movie with his friends.

After the movie ended, Lily and Alice had to go home, so that left Sirius, Marlene and Dorcas in the living room, and Sirius needed their help.

"I'm in love," He proclaimed in the middle of the conversation, causing Dorcas to stop mid-rant and stare at him, "What? Can't a guy be in love?"

"Oh my... SIRIUS YOU BETTER TELL ME WHO IT IS RIGHT NOW YOU LITTLE SHIT!" Marlene screamed and scrambled forward, putting her hands on the arms of Sirius's chair so the two were nose to nose and eye to eye.

"Oh," Dorcas said, her eyes gleaming, "It's bad boy, isn't it? The Remus Lupin you were staring at a couple of days ago. You ARE in love!"

"WHAT! My girlfriend knew. But not me? HOW DOES THAT WORK?" Marlene looked back and forth between a blushing Sirius and a smug Dorcas.

"Oops?" Sirius said, smiling weakly.

"Yeah 'oops'" Marlene gave him a mock glare then turned around and sat on the floor in front of the sofa, her head leaning against Sirius's legs, her arm extended towards Dorcas, who smiled and snuggled into Marlene, her head in the crook of Marlene's neck.

"So, I need your help," Sirius continued.

"Help?" Marlene echoed, confused.

"Yes, help you idiot. I have no idea what to do 'coz he's Remus fucking Lupin, the coolest kid in college and I'm Sirius fucking Black, the art nerd and looser. What am I gunna do?" Sirius wailed, sinking back into the pillow on the sofa.

"Oh love," Marlene snickered, "You've got it bad."

"Yeah no fucking way. How clever you are Marls," Sirius said, rolling his eyes.

"Oi! Don't talk to my girlfriend like that," Dorcas said, punching Sirius's leg lightly, grinning.

"Shush my love," Marlene said, kissing Dorcas's forehead, "It's okay. He's just grumpy 'coz he's in love."

Sirius narrowed his eyes and tugged Marlene's hair, "Shut it or help me," He said to her.

"All right lover-boy," Marlene rolled her eyes and grinned, "Do you talk to him?"

"Yes. A bit. He came to the hospital with me and visited yesterday. And we texted a bit," Sirius said.

"WELL THERE YOU HAVE IT!" Dorcas yelled, making Sirius and Marlene jump.


"He came with you to hospital, stayed through your operation and visited you yesterday. AND, on top of that, he texts you. Sirius, ask him out."

"No," Sirius said stoutly, folding his arms, "What if I get rejected? I'm a quiet, shy art nerd. I don't ask out badass cool kids. It doesn't happen."

"Oh, for God's sake you stupid git. Fine. Sit around and be moody. But not around me, please. Now, we have to go, I am so terribly sorry, but I promised mum we would be home by ten. See you tomorrow at college," Dorcas stood up, pulling Marlene with her, and she kissed Sirius's cheek and ruffled his hair, "You will get there, I promise Siri. Text him," And Marlene nodded. She squeezed Sirius's hand and followed Dorcas out of the door, shouting goodbye at Alya and leaving Sirius to wallow in his thoughts. After ten minutes of sitting in silence staring at the wall thinking, he decided to follow Dorcas's advice and text Remus. It was only quarter to ten, so he hoped Remus would still be awake.

(Remus's texts are in italics and Sirius's are in bold)

Hey. You awake?
Sure am. Just finishing off a story for English.
Oohh. What's it about?
A quiet boy who falls in love with a cool kid and struggles to come to terms with his sexuality and is too shy to talk to anyone so when he gets beaten up by some bullies the cool kid comes and helps him and from there it's all fluff and cuteness of two boys who fall in love.
That sounds so cool! Can I read it when you're done?
Yeah, ofc! I'll send it to you when it's done.
So, whyd'ya text me?
Oh... Was bored and wanted to talk to someone hehe
Aha. Well I am awake at the most random times so if you ever want to talk to me legit just text and I will answer hehheheh
AHahhah cool yeah I barely sleep its funnnnn
Omg sammmmmmeeeeee
Anyway...... I wanted to ask.....
Would you like to get a coffee together someday?
I yeah I would love to!
Okay, cool! What time can you come?
Saturday at 3?
Yup works for me!
I'll meet you outside college at 2:50 and we can go to the Three Broomsticks?
Okay yes that's perfect!
Cool! It's a date
I mean... It's a meet up I... its.... It's not a date
Hahahah you're flustered I'm joking mate
Oh haha okay good hehe
Haha anyway Ally is calling me. I better go. S'nice talking to you.
And you. I'll probs see you at college tomorrow?
Yeah see you.
Bye :)

Sirius plugged his phone in in the kitchen and kissed Alya's cheek before heading upstairs where he jumped into bed after a quick shower.

He dreamt of Remus that night; going for coffee, walking around Hogsmeade shopping, sitting on the hill by the village, eating the sweets they had bought from Honeydukes.

He woke up smiling, feeling happy, but slightly scared. He needed to tell Marlene and Dorcas, so that's exactly what he did when the two girls picked him up for college that morning.

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