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7 years later

"Dorcas, you have no idea how much Remus and I love you," Sirius said, smiling up at his best friend, who was panting, lying on the hospital bed. She smiled weakly and Marlene squeezed her wife's hand.

"You are so strong love," She said, bending down to kiss Dorcas's lips. Just then, the door opened, and a doctor walked in carrying a small bundle. A baby. A baby that Dorcas had just pushed out of her body to give to her friends so they could raise a child of their own. The doctor passed the baby to Sirius and gave Dorcas a quick check over, saying both she and the baby were healthy and could leave that afternoon once they had rested.

Sirius's eyes never left the tiny body sleeping in his arms. A baby boy. His own baby boy. He would love and treasure this child as much as he could, loving the baby in every way a baby should be loved. The love he never experienced as a child. He wanted this baby to grow up feeling loved and cherished by his parents. And hopefully, that wasn't going to be a problem.


Remus's plane had finally landed. He was home. Back in England. Not that he didn't like Canada, but England was his home. He was glad he was home, as he had woken up that morning to a text which read:

Morning love! There is a surprise for you at home. Meet me and the others at James and Lily's place when you get back. S xxx

When the plane had landed, Remus was one of the first off, front row bonus, and had run to get his bag from the conveyer belt. He grabbed his bag and went to the long stay car park, climbing into his car and driving out of the airport towards James and Lily Potter's house, where a surprise and his friends were waiting for him.

He arrived within 40 minutes of leaving the airport and walked up to the front door. Before he could even raise his fist to knock on the door, it was opened, and he looked down to see the faces of two four-year-old grinning boys.

"Hey Uncle Remus!" The first boy shouted as he wrapped his arms around Remus's legs. This boy had unruly black hair and vivid green eyes. Harry Potter, the spitting image of his father with his mother's eyes. It was really sweet.

"I missed you!" The second boy shouted, hugging him as well. Short light-brown hair fell about his face and his brown eyes shone. Neville Longbottom, looking more like his mother than his father. He was adorable.

"Hey kiddos," Remus said, squeezing their shoulders, "I missed you too."

"Everyone's in the garden," Neville said, pulling Remus along the corridor and out of the back door into the garden. There, he saw Alice and Frank Longbottom, James and Lily Potter, Marlene and Dorcas Meadows-McKinnon and Sirius. But Sirius had a small bundle in his arms. Remus's heart stopped. It couldn't be... It wasn't...

"Hiya everyone!" Harry called, "Uncle Re's back!"

The adults all turned around and smiled at Remus, walking towards him, greeting him with hugs and kisses.

"Where's Pete?" Remus asked.

"He's had to stay a bit later at work and he's getting us food," Marlene said.

"How was the book signing?" Dorcas asked.

"It was really good! There were so many people and they were all really kind. I loved it so much," Remus said, grinning, but his eyes weren't on Dorcas, or James, or any of them. His eyes were focused on Sirius and the bundle, his heart beating as he realised what the bundle was.

"Harry, Neville. Can you let Re go? He wants to go to Uncle Siri," Lily said, gently prised the boys hands off Remus and, once he was free, he slowly made his way to Sirius, who was looking into his eyes, smiling a smile so bright it could've beaten the sun.

"Hey there Remmie," Sirius mumbled, pressing a kiss to Remus's lips, "Missed you."

"Missed you more," Remus whispered, but he was staring at the bundle. Sirius's grin widened and he passed his husband the bundle.

"Hello little one," Remus said, watching the tiny body wriggle as it adjusted to the new arms.

"I was thinking Teddy Regulus Lupin," Sirius said, leaning his head on Remus's shoulder.

Remus chuckled, a tear spilling down his cheek, "Reggie would be honoured."

"Yes, he would. I thought he deserves to live on in some way. Even if it's not in his own skin," Sirius had tears trailing down his own cheeks, and Remus lent to kiss him. Even though Remus had only met Regulus twice, he still missed him and mourned him with Sirius. It was sad to lose a brother, but they had celebrated his life and given him a new life through the name of a child.

"We are a family again," Remus muttered, "Me, you and Teddy. And all our friends to back us up. We will be good parents, right?"

"We absolutely will," Sirius said, "Teddy will love us, and we will love Teddy."

"We won't let you run wild with that baby," Alice called, causing everyone to laugh.

"Yeah! And me and Nev can play with him," Harry said, both him and Neville grinned.

"You better not let your kids corrupt our Teddy," Remus warned, mock glaring at James and Frank, who just laughed.

"Dorcas, I can't thank you enough for this," Remus said, hugging Dorcas with one arm, the other still holding Teddy.

"You're very welcome. Let me and Marls babysit sometime?" Dorcas replied.

"You didn't have to ask," Sirius smiled, "You would be our first choice of babysitter."

"And what about us!" Lily and Alice said, pretending to look affronted.

"You have sprogs of your own!" Remus laughed.

"Food's here!" Everyone turned and saw Peter standing in the door, grinning and holding two bags of food.

"Yay!" Neville yelled, and he and Harry ran at Peter, giggling. They all laughed and made to sit around the garden table while Peter handed out the food.

"Congrats on the mini-boy Re, Sirius," He said as he sat down.

"Ta Pete," Remus grinned.

"I say a toast!" James said, standing at the head of the table, his glass raised, "Hears to The Lupins and many happy years to come."

"Cheers!" They all chorused, downing their glasses.

The dusk settled around them while they laughed and talked, catching up together. Alice, Frank and Neville were the first to leave, claiming that Neville needed to go to bed. Peter, Marlene and Dorcas left soon after, then Remus, Sirius and Teddy, the last to leave after helping Lily and James tidy up and put a sleepy Harry to bed.

They were a family. Remus, Sirius and Teddy. A small, happy family. They had each other, they had their friends, and they had a world out there just waiting for them to enter. They were happy. And that was enough.

Enough for now.

please make sure u check out the next chapter!! it's an update of where i am at with writing :))

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