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Monday's were the best day in Sirius's opinion. He only had double art then he, Marlene, Dorcas, Lily and Alice would go to the library and have a study date with coffee. Usually, he would go home after the study date, but he decided to stay at college and get some of his art and media studies coursework done. He had almost finished his piece for his art when the teacher, Miss Hill, came in at 15:10, twenty minutes before the end of the day.

"Hiya Sirius, I'm gunna have to lock the room now as I'm leaving. My sister is moaning that I stay too long on a Mondays," She pulled a face and Sirius laughed. He and his art teacher were very close and always had good chats and laughs.

"No worries," He said, "I'm almost done on this. Just got to finish the map bit but I'll do that tomorrow. See you."

"Bye Sirius," Miss Hill called, and Sirius packed up all his things and left the room. He wandered over to the car park to grab his bike from Dorcas's car when he saw it. Remus was looking down at his phone, not paying attention and a car was reversing fast towards him.

"REMUS! LOOK OUT!" Sirius shouted, causing Remus to look up. The car was driving fast, and Sirius saw Remus was going to get hit so, he ran forwards and shoved Remus out of the way.

He screamed as the car hit him instead of Remus and he fell back, whacking his head on the concrete behind him. The car sped off and Sirius lay on the ground, in too much pain to move.

He sensed Remus had knelt down beside him, but he couldn't tell as the pain was filling his head, making it unable to think properly. There was pain in his side, back and head and it hurt like hell.

The next ten minutes passed like a blur for Sirius. He wasn't really focused, and he kept seeing stars. Remus seemed to buzz around him, and the only time Sirius could properly sense everything around him, was when he was holding Remus's hand.

Somehow, the feeling of the other boy's hand in his grounded him and made him come to his senses. He felt the ground beneath him and the jacket behind his head. But above it all, he always felt the pain. The unbearable pain in his head and head and side. It felt like someone had cut open the back of his head and was poking him in the side with a red-hot metal spike. Oh, Gods it hurt. But, the feeling of Remus's hand in his kept him feeling, and he stayed awake and aware.

They arrived at St. Mungo's within five minutes of leaving college and the doctors wheeled his bed through to a room, all the while, Remus didn't leave his side. He answered the questions directed at him and was then wheeled through to surgery.


He woke up a few hours later feeling very groggy and tired. Someone was holding his left hand and he was vaguely aware of voices in the room. He tried to open his eyes, but the lights were too bright, and they made his head hurt. He groaned and put his hand up to his eyes, shielding them from the light.

"S too bright. Turn lights off," He mumbled, and he heard someone laugh to his left. He slowly turned his head, groaning when it hurt and opened his eyes a little to see Aunt Alya holding his hand and a tall brown-haired boy was sat next to her, "Ally."

"Hey Siri," Alya smiled at him and leant forward, pressing a kiss to his fingers, "How you feeling?"

"Head hurts. And my side," Sirius replied, squeezing Alya's hand and smiling weakly at her, "S the time?"

"It's a half past six," The boy said, and Sirius squinted, trying to focus on the boy.

"Remus!" He said, smiling again when he realised Remus was still with him, "What you doing here? I thought you would've gone home or something."

"Na. I wanted to stay. Plus, Alya is good company," Remus smiled at Sirius then at Alya, "I'm glad you're okay. You've ruined my leather jacket though," He held up his jacket, which was covered in Sirius's blood and Sirius moaned.

"I told you. I didn't want to lean on it. Now it's ruined," He said, eyes widening at the sight of Remus's jacket, but Remus just laughed.

"Mate don't worry. It's fine. I've got a spare at home," Remus said, and he grinned at Sirius. Then his phone went off and it startled everyone, "Shit sorry. It's James. Can I take this?"

Sirius and Alya nodded and Remus went out of the room to take the call. Alya turned back to Sirius and squeezed his hand again.

"So, that is the Remus Lupin that you've been going on about," She said.

"Yeah. He's amazing. Today was the first day I actually spoke to him. It was this morning when..." Sirius trailed off, closing his eyes, not wanting to remember. He opened them again when he felt Alya take his other hand.

"I know love. Lily called me and told me what happened. That group sound like a bunch of jerks but Remus isn't one, is he? He's sweet and I can see why you like him," Alya laughed when Sirius's face turned red and he was just about to reply when Remus walked in.

"Sirius, the doctors just caught me, and they want to keep you in for a couple of days so they can keep an eye on you," Remus said as he lent in the doorway.

"Okay," Sirius nodded sleepily, "I might just sleep. I'm tired."

Alya and Remus laughed softly.

"Alright love," Alya said, "I'm going to go home and tell Lily and the others, okay? I'll come back tomorrow at visiting times," She kissed Sirius's forehead and left the room, smiling at Remus on her way out.

"It okay if I come and visit tomorrow as well?" Remus asked, grinning at how cute a sleepy Sirius was.

"Yeah. That would be nice," Sirius yawned and settled down into his covers, "I'm sleeping now. Bye."

"Bye Sirius," Remus said, and Sirius fell into a dreamless sleep.

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