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Over the next few weeks, Remus and Sirius continued to meet up whenever they had the chance; after classes, in between classes, at the weekends, whenever was convenient really. It really brightened Sirius's week seeing Remus. He found himself longing for the small moments where he was with Remus. He loved the time they spent together, and he enjoyed getting to know Remus a bit. While he was with the boy, his feelings grew. His emotions were spiralling out of his control and, the more time he spent with Remus, the more his feelings grew. He didn't mind too much, but it hurt thinking that Remus could be straight, and wouldn't return his feelings. However, it was a relief when he was with Remus; a time when he could relax completely, just like he did with Lily and the others. The same could be said for Remus, so Sirius thought.

The Remus he studied with and hung out with was a completely different Remus to the one that swaggered around school, giving girls cheeky winks and shouting down the corridors. That Remus was loud and cocky, one that Sirius found annoying but secretly loved, until one day.

"Hey, stop. That's not fair!"

Sirius recognised Alice's voice as he walked down a fairly empty corridor by the languages department. She sounded upset and distressed, and there was the sound of other voices, they were lower, quieter, and Sirius couldn't recognise them. He frowned and picked up his pace, wanting to reach Alice quickly. He rounded a corner in the corridor and almost dropped his sketchbook in his haste to get to his friend. When he saw Alice, he stopped, both surprised and unsurprised at what he saw.

He saw Alice, surrounded by the Marauders, including Remus, pinned against the wall. Her bag was on the floor a few meters away, with the contents spilt all around the hall, obviously it had been thrown away by one of the boys. Frank and Remus held Alice to the wall, whilst James and Peter had a hold on Alice's German folder and were tearing all the papers and notes out, throwing them all around the empty corridor.

Fuck it was like them. The time when his... When his... When they did that to him. Made Regulus hold him while they... Well... He felt the memories coming back to him, but he kept the door firmly shut, not allowing them to get through. For right now, he didn't need to have a panic attack. He needed to help Alice.

It was only a for which Sirius was frozen, but when he came back to himself and recovered from the shock, he dumped his bag on the floor and ran over to them.

"Hey!" He screamed at them, "What the hell are you doing!"

They all looked over to him, the boys slightly surprised, and Alice pleadingly.

"Oh, look. It's Black," Peter sneered, dropping the papers he was holding and advancing towards Sirius, "What do you want?"

"Let my friend go and give her back her stuff," Sirius said, his head held high, arms folded.
James laughed and came closer to Sirius, following just behind Peter.

"NO!" Alice yelled, "Leave him alone!"

"Shut up!" Frank said, but it was not as harsh as usual, he was looking at Remus, who had turned pale, and they both looked worried.

"Fuck off Black," Peter said, "Else we will give you the same treatment as Mandip here," He gestured to Alice, who was struggling against Frank and Remus's grip.

Sirius narrowed his eyes and realised that they were not going to back off. He shrugged, and before anyone else could move, he raised his leg and kicked Peter right in his crotch. Peter howled, bending over in pain and James started.

"Let. Her. Go," Sirius snarled at Remus and Frank, who let Alice go instantly and backed off. James looked wide eyed at Sirius and grabbed Peter's arm, hastily retreating towards Remus and Frank, "Now piss off and leave us alone."

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