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Sirius didn't speak to Remus at all for the next couple of weeks, and, although it was killing him, he just couldn't bring himself to talk to Remus. Not after what he did to Alice, which made him remember that time. It was horrible. Every time he saw Remus now, he had to turn away and walk off for fear of breaking down.

Luckily, he never saw Remus that much. Sirius wondered how Remus was. Was he okay? He hoped that Remus was okay, even after what happened in the language block.

This was fucked up and he knew he had to speak to Remus soon. But not yet. Soon.
*Incoming call from R*

'Why is he calling me?' Sirius thought, angrily shoving his phone back in his pocket, 'He can't call me. Not after what happened.' He walked on towards his media studies class and felt his phone vibrate again.

*Incoming call from R*

Sirius scowled at his phone, but there were tears at the corners of his eyes.

*Incoming call from R*

'Fucking fuck,' Sirius thought, 'What does he want. I have class now. He can bugger off and leave me alone.' His phone was vibrating again before he had even put it in his pocket.

*Incoming call from R*

Sirius(S): Hello?
Regulus(R): Sirius?
S: What do you want?
Sirius's voice was cracking, even though he tried to stay strong. The tears threatened his eyes and one slipped down his cheek.
R: I want to talk to you.

Sirius sighed, he needed to get to class and he wasn't going to be able to if he continued this call.

S: Look, Regulus... I have class to get to now so I can't really talk.
R: *Sarcastic* Oh. No time for your darling brother?
S: Wha- Regulus? I have classes so right now, no I don't have time for you. And we are no longer brothers now. Or did you forget that I was disowned a year ago?

Sirius's voice cracked and more tears fell down his face. He forgot how much he missed Regulus and talking to him now wasn't doing anything good for him, especially since he is no longer talking to Remus.

R: No. How could I forget. That night was a horrible night.
S: Why are you calling me?
R: I told you, I needed to talk to you.
S: Well get on with it then!

Sirius heard the bell ring. 'Shit, I'm gunna be late.'

S: Hurry up I'm gunna be late!
R: Fuck you. You're pathetic. 'I'm gunna be late' you sound like you care. What? Do you actually care? THAT'S BULLSHIT! You never cared, not about anyone or anything. You didn't even care about me, your own baby brother.
S: I always cared-
R: SHUT UP! You never cared, then you left me with them. All alone. I am all alone in that house and you don't even care, coz you left me. Then you cut me out. No calls, no texts, no letters NOTHING! You abandoned me and left me. You fucking left me you bastard.
S: Reg, I didn't-
R: FUCK YOU! You are a coward and a horrible brother! You just ran away and left me. You abandoned me with them. And now I have no-one, maybe some school friends, but I have no-one to protect me in that house.
S: Fuck, Reg are they-
R: They aren't doing what they did to you to me. They force me into doing things and they want me to go to Durmstrang and join that fucking cult that that weirdo Tom Riddle made. See what you left me to Sirius? YOU SEE WHAT YOU LEFT ME TOO? You left me to suffer and now I can't do anything. You are a complete bastard and arsehole. I have no idea why I contacted you in the first place. I never should have. So, I hope you have a horrible life and I hope I never have to hear your voice or speak to you again. Fuck off out of my life.

*Call ended by R*

Sirius was frozen, tears streaming down his face, the phone still held up to his ear. He sagged against the nearest wall and fell to the floor, stunned. What the fuck had just happened? Had Regulus just called him to yell insults at him? Sirius's shoulders shook as he came back to himself and he let himself go. He let himself cry and cry, not caring if anyone saw him, which was unlikely, since not many students came by this part of the school. Apart from one, apparently. Sirius heard footsteps as someone made their way towards him, calling his name.


The voice was faint, laced with worry and somewhat familiar, getting closer to him each time he let out a sob. He heard someone kneel down next to him, but he didn't lift his head, he didn't want whoever this was to see him properly.

"'M Fine," He mumbled through the tears, "Leave me alone."

"No," The voice said, and the person moved to sit next to Sirius, leaning against the wall. There was a slight pause, then, "Want a hug?"

Sirius froze for a moment. He thought he recognised the voice. But surely it couldn't be... No. The two of them weren't talking. Of course, it wouldn't be him. But... what if it was? He sniffed and lifted his head so he could see who was next to him and his heart nearly jumped out of his chest.


Remus smiled shyly and lifted a hand to rub the back of his neck, "Hey Sirius. Look, I know we aren't talking, but you are crying, and you look like you need a hug... So... Would you like a hug?"

Sirius hesitated slightly, before, "Yeah. Please," He lent into Remus, who wrapped his arms around Sirius's shoulders, pulling him closer, "'M sorry."

"What for?"

"For ignoring you. I probably should've talked to you sooner, but I just couldn't," Sirius mumbled, wiping his eyes clear of the last tears.

"Hey no," Remus said, "It's me and my group that should be apologising. We were dickheads and wanted a bit of fun. I see now that it wasn't fun, just horrible. Is Mandip okay?"

"Yeah. As is her German folder. Me, her and Alya fixed it up. But you lot are arseholes for doing that to her," Sirius said.

"I know," Remus sighed, "I'm sorry. We should apologise to Mandip too."

"Mmm," Sirius hummed, "You should. Anyway. I need to go. Thanks Remus."

"No probs," Remus said, standing up. Just as Sirius was about to walk off, he called out, "Hey, Sirius?"


"Would you... Would you like to go for a walk someday? Just to talk, ya know," Remus rubbed the back of his neck again, looking all shy and cute. If someone who is wearing a studded leather jacket can look shy and cute that is.

"Yeah. I would like to. Text me whenever. See you Remus," Sirius called over his shoulder and made his way to the toilets to clean his face.

He bent over the sink, water dripping down his face and he stared at his reflection, studying his face. He pulled his collar back a bit, revealing the top of a faded scar that ran from his neck to the bottom of his rib cage. It was a horrible scar, and that call with Regulus had reminded him of everything that he had shut away for so long.

"Fuck," He whispered, rubbing his face. He dried his face and grabbed his bag, taking one last look at his reflection before he walked out and towards his class. He was really late.

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