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The moon was bright as Remus lay on his back in the garden, staring up at the stars, a cigarette between his lips, his jumper wrapped tightly around him, not a care in the world. It was at times like these when Remus felt free and he could just let himself be without anyone else around him. He didn't feel trapped by the gazes of the girls that stared at him in the college corridors, he didn't feel overwhelmed by the standards he had to live up to. He felt free and open, staring up at the stars and the sky that stretched on forever, further than your wildest dreams could imagine. And he could let himself be. He could just be, without having to please anyone, he could be himself.

As he watched the night sky, he let his mind wander, and, as they so often did nowadays, his thoughts came to rest on a particular boy. A boy with long black hair tied back in a messy bun, a pale-yellow fuzzy jumper, a paintbrush tucked behind his ear. He was perfect. Remus let his mind imagine Sirius lying next to him, curled up with his head resting on Remus's chest while Remus had an arm wrapped around Sirius's shoulders, pulling him closer. He wished that that was a reality. He needed to feel the smaller boy curled up next to him, he needed to hear Sirius's laugh as they chatted quietly, he just needed Sirius.

He made a frustrated noise and blew out a cloud of cigarette smoke, pulling his phone out of his grey joggers to look at the texts he and Sirius had exchanged earlier that day. He smiled as he read them, his heart bursting with emotion for Sirius: Happiness, gratefulness, and that other emotion that was clouding his mind after meeting Sirius.

It was a strong emotion, and Remus could feel its pull whenever he was with Sirius, or whenever he thought of Sirius. It was a desire to be near the boy, to hold him and kiss him. A desire so strong, Remus had to fight the urge to get up and go and visit Sirius right then and there. It had filled his body, from his toes to the top if his head, consuming his mind. He had never experienced this emotion before, or if he had, he never had it this strong. It was like there was something tugging on his heart, compelling him to think about Sirius. His heart felt empty without the smaller boy, and whenever he was near Sirius, his heart was full and bursting with...

'Oh crap,' Remus thought as he finally realised what the emotion was. There was no point in denying it, he was well and truly fucked. He knew he had to talk to someone, anyone, so he pulled up his phone and called Frank, who was very good at this kind of stuff.

Remus(R): Frank?
Frank(F): Hey mate, what's up? It's two in the morning and you called?
R: Well you don't sound very asleep.
F: Fairs. I was doing my biology essay that's due in today hehe.
R: Oh okay. So, I kinda need your help.
F: Oh yeah? What's up?
R: I'm fucked. There's this boy, and I've fallen in love. He is amazing, and cute and perfect and I love him so much.
(Remus continued to explain everything to Frank and Frank, like Lex did for Sirius, just listened.)
F: Wow Re. You've got it bad. Might I ask, who is the wonder boy you speak so highly of?
R: Er... You won't like this, but it's Sirius, the boy Jamie ran into a couple of days ago. He saved me from getting run over and that's when I fell for him. AND I DID SOMETHING AMAZING YET STUPID AND HELP
F: Ahhh shit what did you do?
F: Well......That's a good thing right?
R: Yes but stilllllllll
F: Jesus you're weird. Re, it will be fine. You will be fine. Just chill and relax and be yourself, okay?
R: Okay, okay I got it, cheers Frank, haha.
F: See you later mate
R: Bye

Remus hung up and threw his phone to the side, taking a long drag of his cigarette. He rubbed a hand over his face and sighed. Remus Lupin was in love. And he was in love with a cute, shy, fuzzy- jumper-wearing, artist. Does this happen? Do bad boys fall in love with soft boys? Well, apparently, it does happen, else Remus would not be out in the garden at two am smoking. His mind was buzzing with thoughts, suggestions and what ifs and he was finding it very hard not to scream. He gritted his teeth and put out his cigarette, crushing it in his gloved fist before he stood up and made his way back into his room.

As he collapsed down onto his bed, he decided to send one final text:

Hope you are okay I'll see you soon :).

He went to sleep happy that night, dreams filled with the image of the small, black-haired boy, and when he woke up the next morning, a smile was engraved into his face.

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