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The day passed slowly for Remus. He had double English in the morning and then double music in the afternoon. Luckily, his music teacher let the class out twenty minutes early as they had had an exam but finished early. Remus knew that James and Peter had drama and Frank was in the gym that afternoon. He also knew that they had all arranged to go to the skate park together after class, but Remus couldn't be bothered to wait twenty minutes for them, so he sent a quick text to the group chat.

Hey I've been let out early so imma head home for a bit. See you guys at the park in 20 <3

He was so busy focusing on his phone that he didn't look up as he got into the car park. He only looked up when he heard a shout, then everything seemed to go in slow motion.

He saw Sirius running towards him, eyes wide, he saw a car reversing fast in his direction. He knew he wouldn't be able to get out of the way in time. But then he felt a shove in his side, pushing him out of the way, he heard a scream as his rescuer took the hit instead of him, he watched the car speed off out of the car park and get away fast, but not fast enough as Remus managed to snap a clear photo of the number plate.

He heard a groaning noise on the ground and looked down to see Sirius, lying on the floor clutching his side. Remus quickly realised that Sirius had been the one to push him out of the way of the car, and Sirius had taken the hit instead of Remus. He knelt down next to the boy and waved a hand in front of his face.

"Hi there. Can you see my hand? How many fingers am I holding up?" He held up three finger and Sirius squinted, then closed his eyes again.

"Err. Four," Sirius said, then he tried to move his head, but cried out in pain, bringing a hand from his hip to the back of his head and when he bought it away, his fingers were dripping with blood, "Fuck," He said, and dropped his hand onto his stomach.

"Okay, I'm gunna call an ambulance, alright?" Remus said, pulling up the keypad on his phone and dialling 999. He put the phone on speaker and put in next to Sirius's head. Sirius reached out his non- bloody hand and tried to grab Remus's.

"You won't leave, will you?" He said once he had finally managed to grab Remus's hand. Remus shook his head and jumped as a female voice said from his phone:

"999, what service do you require?"

"Ambulance. My friend Sirius has just been hit by a car. He has blood coming out of the back of his head, he can't see straight and he's holding his side like he's in a lot of pain," Remus said.

"Okay, where are you? Can you give me your address and we will send an ambulance asap. Try to keep your friend conscious and stay on the line until the ambulance arrives, alright?"

"We are at Hogwarts Sixth Form College, Hogsmeade Village, Scotland and we are in the college car park," Remus said, and he felt Sirius grip his hand tighter.

"You have two heads," He said, and his eyes slipped shut.

"No, Sirius stay with me. You gotta stay with me. Hey mate, look at me," Remus pried Sirius's eyes open and made sure Sirius was conscious, "Hey. You took quite a hit. Thanks for saving me."

"You weren't looking," Sirius murmured, then he groaned again, putting a hand to his head. Remus frowned and took off his leather jacket.

"This is gunna hurt but I'm gunna put my jacket under your head, so you aren't lying on the concrete, okay?"

"Bu' then I'll get blood on your jacket," Sirius said and cried out as Remus lifted his head to put his jacket under his head. His eyes went wide when he saw the concrete behind Sirius's head, and he spoke to his phone again.

"He's losing a lot of blood but he's holding a conversation with me."

"Okay that's good, keep him talking and the ambulance should be with you in three minutes. How old are both of you?" The operator lady said.

"I'm seventeen and Sirius, how old are you Sirius?" Remus asked Sirius, turning to the boy on the floor next to him.

"M seventeen," Sirius said.

"Sirius is seventeen as well," Remus told the operator.

"That's good that he answered you, it means he can still take in everything around him."

Remus continued to chat to Sirius while they waited for the ambulance and Sirius held the conversation pretty well, with a few weird answers and statements. Remus decided, that if he was going to stay with Sirius, he needed to tell his friends, so he sent another text to the chat:

Ummm so I can't make it to the park. The boy Jamie ran into this morning just got hit by a car and I'm going with him to the hospital. I'll text when I'm out <3

"Can you come to the hospital wiv me?" Sirius mumbled, tugging on Remus's hand.

"Course. Oh, I think I hear the ambulance," Remus looked up and sure enough, an ambulance was coming down the road towards them, it's lights flashing and siren blaring out. Remus stood up and waved at it as it came into the car park, but Sirius moaned when Remus let his hand go.

"No please don't leave me."

"I'm not going anywhere mate. The ambulance is here so I'm waving it over," Remus knelt back beside Sirius and took his hand again.

The ambulance drove over to them and two paramedics, a man and a woman, jumped out and knelt next to Sirius. They started doing some check on him and then the man got up and pulled a stretcher out of the back of the ambulance.

"Hey kid," The woman turned to Remus, "What's your name and how do you know Sirius?"

"I'm Remus Lupin and I don't know him that well but we both attend this college together," Remus replied, "Is it okay if I come with him to hospital? He asked me not to leave him."

"Sure. Hope in and sit on the blue chair by his stretcher," The woman smiled, and Remus got into the ambulance after grabbing his and Sirius's bags. He sat beside Sirius and took the boy's hand again, receiving a weak squeeze, letting him know he had done the right thing.

"Remus?" Sirius asked, tugging on Remus's hand, "Can you text m' aunt Alya? M' phone's in m' bag. Password's Padfoot, wiv a capital P."

"Sure," Remus picked up Sirius's phone and found a contact called 'Aunty Al <3' so, he clicked on it and sent a quick text.

Hello, my name is Remus Lupin and I go to school with Sirius. He has just been hit by a car and he and I are in the ambulance on the way to St. Mungo's Hospital. I'm sorry this is short notice, but I think he would like you at the hospital with him.

He put the phone away and looked back at Sirius, whose face was very pale. The paramedics were working some machine thing that seemed to be monitoring Sirius's heart rate. The man bent down and whispered in Remus's ear.

"Keep talking to him, if he's conscious then it will be easier for us to work around him."
Remus nodded and kept talking to Sirius through the whole drive and he didn't leave his side when they arrived at the hospital.

He stayed by Sirius's bed as the doctors came into the ward Sirius had been placed in and asked them both questions then ran some tests on Sirius. They decided Sirius needed an operation to fix the wound on the back of his head. Remus squeezed Sirius's hand once more and then the doctors wheeled his bed through to surgery, where Sirius would spend the next couple of hours.

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