Well...I Did Not See That Coming

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*Photo of Caleb*

"Dude! Get up we are going to be late!"
I groaned as Jace pushed me off his couch. Once I hit the ground I grumbled loudly, feeling pain down my right arm. "What the hell?!" I snapped as I slowly sat up.

Hey, I'm Caleb. I'm a rather typical high school boy. I am is six foot three and solid muscle, I mean I kind of have to be as I am a linebacker on the football team. My hair is jet black and I keep it rather short. As for my eyes they are silvery blue.

As for my ass of a best friend, Jace, he is six foot one and is more slender than I am. He is the team's quarter back and always says that he can't be weighed down by a bunch of muscle. We are both rather tan due to summer practice and being in the sun so much. He has blonde hair and green eyes.

Backstory time I guess. Jace and I have been friends since freshman year, we are both seniors now. He has been my brother since the day we met and he probably always will be. Jace has been with me through a lot of life's crappy moments, and I'm grateful for it. Now where were we? Oh, right, this ass just pushed me off his couch.

"I told you, we are going to be late if you don't get your lazy ass up!" Jace yelled at me, earning an eye roll as I checked the time on my phone. "Dude we have an hour." I groaned out as I slowly stood up. "Amy wants us to be there early to support the senior cheerleaders grand entrance. First day of senior year brother!" He said excitedly to me.

I just tilted my head back and groaned as I rubbed the back of my neck. "Your girlfriend is ridiculous. It's high school, not some fashion show or whatever." I grumbled as he laughed. "Just get dressed you buzz kill." Jace said and tossed my bag at me before walking away to get ready.

Rolling my eyes I trudged along to the bathroom with my bag and locked the door behind me. I looked into the mirror at myself and shook my head, annoyed that my hair was a complete mess. Once I pulled on my black slim fit Jean's I turned on the water in the tub and leaned over the side, completely dousing my hair so I could fix it, not feeling the need to shower as I had done that the night before. Grabbing a towel after I shut the water off I stood and rubbed the towel on my hair so I at least wouldn't get dripped on by my hair. Tossing the towel aside I grabbed my red shirt and pulled it on. I fixed my hair with Jace's hair paste and brushed my teeth before putting on deodorant and body spray.

Stepping out of the bathroom I saw Jace sitting on the couch, all ready to go. I rolled my eyes and grabbed my socks out of my bag and sat next to him, putting them on. "Can we go get this over with?" I asked and raised a brow at him. He smiled and jumped off the couch. "Get your shoes on and we shall go!" He chirped and headed to his car. Shaking my head I pulled on my black Nike's and made my way to his car.
Once we were at school we headed to our lockers that were directly next to each other and waited. I gripped my backpack strap and leaned back against the lockers as a few other guys walked up, they were all on the team.

There was the twins, Adam and Zach, both on defense and there was Kole, the team's best wide receiver. They all started talking about our first game this Friday while I just stood and listened. I am usually not one to say much, not since she left that is.

If you are wondering who I am referring to her name is Lily. She was my best friend when we were younger. We did everything together and I would do anything for her. I know I sound like a total cliche right now but yes, I was completely in love with her, and to be more of a cliche, I still am. She moved away when we finished 8th grade and we kept talking the whole summer. When freshman year started she slowly stopped talking to me, it crushed me to be honest and I never did tell her how I feel. I haven't seen or heard from her in almost four years, and in that time I haven't even thought about being involved with other girls, none of them seemed to even compare to her. That and dating just seemed like a losing battle for me.

Groaning in my head as they guys kept talking I pulled my phone out to check the time. "Where are they Jace? We are going to be late for class." I stated in an irritated tone. Jace just chuckled at me and clapped me on the shoulder. "Chill they are almost here." I rolled my eyes and unlocked my phone, wanting to collect my rewards on my game.

Soon after I heard the front doors of the school open and every other male in the hall start to whistle at who I assume was the girls. I'm sure they were strutting in and probably wearing outfits that couldn't even be classified as clothes. Once the girls stopped in front of us Amy went directly to Jace, at least that's what I could tell from my perifrial view of them. I kept my eyes on my phone as Amy introduced the new girl and once Amy said her name my head snapped up, the grip I had on my backpack tightening profusely. My eyes instantly landed on hers as she started back at me with those bright hazel eyes. I was instantly confused, shocked, happy and pissed off all at the same time. There in front of me stood the one person that could always bring me to my knees in seconds, the one person that made my heart beat out of my chest with just one look.

In front of me stood her, Lily.

(There it is! Chapter one! Let me know what you guys think! I'll be working on other chapters as much as I can between work and home life!)

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