The Beast [NEW book sneak peek]

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It freezes the body rendering the poor soul stone still

She couldn't run
Where could she go
The beast knew the land inside out
She'd be caught before she could make it into town

A mighty roar kicked her senses in and she took off through the thick woods

Heavy footsteps chasing behind her
Her heartbeat was beating a mile a minute

She didn't want to die
Not like this
Her mother always told her witches were immortal
Tell that to the scratch on her bloody arm that is yet to heal

Her only thoughts in that moment:
Stay alive

Until she tripped

The beast was on her in no time
Her yellow-tinted, sharp teeth allowing her saliva to seep through and drool out her mouth
Her massive paws, bigger than her two hands combined
The water droplets that clung to her dark coat of fur
She would've thought it was breathtakingly beautiful
If only her mouth didn't open and was about to cover her face

This is a sneak peek to a new book I'm writing. I don't know when I'll post it but I'll post about in soon.

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