Embarrassed {TW}

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"Jeongyeon get your ass up, we're gonna be late!" The petite figure banged on her sister's room door loudly.

"Who the fuck do you think you are banging on my door, huh?" The door swung open revealing Jeongyeon's half naked figure with a fully naked girl rubbing her eyes. "And you need to call me unnie. I'm older than you." The older pushed her sister out of the doorway and stomped to the kitchen. "Since you wanna be smart you can wash our cum off the sheets."


"Yoo Jeongyeon!" An obnoxiously loud voice screeched across the crowded cafeteria gaining everyone's attention. She waved her hand in the air before resuming her spot at the table.

"Did you fuck Professor IU last night?!" Jeongyeon shook her head as she said down in the empty seat. "No, you said she was yours Nabongs. You really think that low of me?" The girl feigned hurt. "Of course not. I just had to make sure because there's some rumors going around that you did and I know you're packin' down there-" Jeongyeon lunged across the table and wrapped her fingers around the older's neck. "Jeongyeon-ssi, Jeongyeon-ssi! Jeongyeon-ah, let her go." Soft hands tried to pry her hands off of their friend's neck as she gasped for air. Her grip tightened significantly before loosening. "I'm done." The black haired girl gasped as she rubbed her neck. "Yoo Jeongyeon!" Her voice fell on deaf ears.

"What the hell Jeongyeon!" Jeongyeon was sitting in her car when her brunette peacemaker interrupted her angry silence. "Go away Park. I'm not apologizing and I don't want to see her face again, do you understand?" In the blink of an eye, she was joined by the brunette in the passenger seat. "Park Jihyo, if you don't get out of my car right now I'll-" Jihyo scoffed. "What? What will you do Jeongyeon? I'm your closed and oldest friend. You've never put your hands on me in an abusive way and I sure as hell know you never will so stop bluffing and tell me why you got upset." The silver haired girl opened and closed her mouth in a state of shock. "I-I don't have anything to say to you." She crossed her arms over her chest and looked outside her window. Jihyo took this opportunity and before Jeongyeon even realized, her pants zipper was down and Jihyo was wiggling her hand into her underwear. "Jihyo I- aahhh." Jihyo gasped and Jeongyeon pulled her hand out and left the car. "Jeongyeon! Jeongyeon, stop. Where are you going?" The shorter caught up with her friend and pulled her shoulder to turn her around. "Jeongyeon, why didn't you tell anyone?" The taller carried tears in her eyes as she looked any and everywhere. "Jeongyeon-" The brunette started but was interrupted.

"I hate it! God, I hate it so much! I can't use the men's or women's bathroom. I can't wear dressed or even panties because it's uncomfortable and it hurts and it makes sex a nightmare. Last night with Sana was a disaster and I almost got caught." Jihyo wiped away Jeongyeon's fallen tears. "You had sex with Nayeon, that's how she knows." The older nodded. "I almost did but she turned on the lights to get something and she saw it." More tears fell and Jihyo swatted them away.

"Jeongyeon, there's no reason to feel ashamed. Everyone has something uncomfortable about them. For me, it's my boobs. I have to wear a XL because my boobs don't allow me to wear anything smaller without me looking like I fucked the whole school." The two chuckled. "Seriously Jeong, you have no reason to be afraid. I'm pretty sure it's a huge turn on. I know it is for me." The brunette bit her lip.

"Oh my god."

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