Please (Smutish) {TW}

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Oh my god!

They look so good.

The way the cups cover the soft skin.

I just want to feel them.

To lick the..

To play with them.

"Mina, help. I'm stuck. My shirt won't come off." Nayeon had her shirt pulled over her head with her arms stuck in their own unique way. Mina had the perfect view of her bandmates beautiful mountains.

"Mina?" Nayeon stood still in an attempt to hear if Mina was still in the room.

Those big round breast. Exposed to the cold air causing those beautiful nipples to press up against the soft fabric of the bra.

Mina shuffled as she attempted to resist the urge to pull one into her mouth and never let go.

"Mina," Nayeon whined while jumping up and down trying to free herself. Mina bit her lip and walked closer to the older girl. "I'm sorry. Here, stop moving." Mina grabbed the ends of the shirt and pulled up. Mina stood on her tippy toes to get the shirt off, instead Nayeon's bra brushed up against Mina's hardened nipple causing a low moan to escape Mina's mouth.

"Did you just- Mina, what the hell are you doing?" Nayeon started but was cut off as Mina broke and started massaging her breasts. Mina ran her cold hands over her friend's newly formed abs, and up her back pressing their hills together. She reached for singer's clasp as she started wiggling again.

"Mina, I'm going to ask you this one more time; What are you doing?" Mina didn't answer but instead she dropped vocalist's bra to the floor and proceeded to massage them again. The Jap bit her lip as the warm flesh and hard nipples met her skin. Mina's wanted this since she first saw the two mounds.

Soon Mina dropped her hands, earning a whimper from Nayeon but replaced it with her mouth.
"Oh my god Mina. That feels so good." Nayeon moaned and arched her back into the younger's mouth. As Mina sucked and licked and flicked, Nayeon became a moaning mess. And she couldn't even touch her due to her hands being stuck.

Not even 5 seconds later Mina had pulled down her own shorts and underwear a little, just enough to fit her hand in, and started to touch herself. She was getting off on Nayeon's moans. Soon after Mina was releasing her own string of moans as her finger circled around her throbbing clit. From the outside, a car could be heard pulling up and the engine turning off, but both girls were too into what they were doing, nobody noticed when the garage door closed and keys hit the counter.

"Mina, please. I need you right now. I want your fingers." Mina complied to her older's wished and slid her free hand into Nayeon underwear. Mina gasped at how wet the girl was.

"What the hell is going on here?" a voice belonging to Nayeon's girlfriend shouted from behind them. Both girls scrambled away from each other as they got themselves decent. Mina turned around to find her friend's girlfriend fuming AND her own girlfriend with her jaw dropped.

"Baby I can explain." Nayeon started.

I actually wrote this based on a picture I saw on Instagram of Mina looking a Nayeon's boobs (the one in the media just so happened to come out) plus this was also based on a dream I had. This was Satzu in my dream.

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