Addiction {TW}

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I know these walls, I've stared at them

I know these halls, I've walked them

I know this room, I made friends in it

I know this place, I lived her for the past 7 years

She's the reason my life fell apart but she's the reason it got brighter

6 years and 355 days ago

"Hello everyone, welcome to recovery class. I see new faces so for those of you who don't know me, my name is Park Jihyo. Before we get started, can the new members introduce themselves."

Myoui Sharon, behavior problems

Gong Kyung-wan, porn addict

Bae Joo-hyun, insane OCD

Myself, drug abuse and cutting disorder.

"Well nice to meet you all. Those of you that were already in the class please introduce yourselves again."

"Hi, my name is Myoui Mina and I'm addicted to video games. The most time I spend playing a game was 3 days. I dropped out of school to play more and my parents sent me here. I haven't touched a game since I've gotten here two months ago." Applause.

"Hi everyone, my name is Park Chaeyoung and I have trust issues. I was sent here by my friend after I was paranoid that my ex-boyfriend was cheating on me. I've been in here for six months and I'm starting to finally trust people here." More applause.

"Hey, I'm Son Chaeyoung and I'm a recovering alcoholic. I've been in here for 2 years and hopefully if I keep making progress I'll be out in a couple months." Loud applause and cheers. I hate this place.

"I'm Yoo Jeongyeon," Whoa.

Sweet but husky voice.
Dark clothes but light complexion.
Heavy boots but soundless steps.
Big and bad on the outside but broken and torn on the inside.

"I, uh, do drugs."

"It's okay to admit you're an addict Jeongyeon. The first step in bettering yourself is to admit it and let yourself open up." She's annoying.

"I don't need to better shit. My life was perfectly fuxkin fine before I got here." Tough girl huffed and sat down in her chair.


"Hey aren't you new here? You were in that class this morning." I looked up and it was some rando.

"You don't look familiar." I turned my head back to my food.

She laughed. What's so funny.

"I wasn't in the class silly. I was just walking around and stopped by the class. My name is Kim
Jisoo. Don't worry, I don't bite or anything." Cute name.

I spent the whole day with Jisoo just talking about whatever we could.

About 2 weeks in my stay is when she happened.


Because of who? Because of J-Hope

Because of who? Because of Rap Mon

Again, because of who? Because of Suga

All of the style and flow is because of Bangtan

Fuxking hell!

I stomped out my room and banged on the door belonging to the inconsiderate asswipe that's blasting this trash at 3 AM!

The door swung open allowing Korean lyrics and smoke to fill my body.

Oh my god.


"What's up?" Really?!

I pointed to the radio and covered my ears to signal that it was too loud.

She chuckled. That was hella sexy but I'm too pissed to even faun over it.

"Sorry sweetheart, did I wake you up?" I nodded while crossing my arms over my chest.

"I'm sorry, I thought this floor was empty. Last I checked I was the only one who was staying up here." I shrugged. I don't trust my mouth around this woman.

She just stood and checked me out, several times.

"Are you high?" I swear her eyes are a little red and she's talking a little slow but I can't tell.

Another chuckle.

"You bet you're sweet ass I am baby. Wanna hit?" I scrunched my face in disgust.

"You aren't supposed to be doing that." Wimp.

"I'm not even supposed to be in here princess but you better believe me and my drugs are getting the fuxk out of here. Snitch and I will kill you." Has she even killed anyone?

I sighed once the door closed.

If I let her go, she dies

If I snitch, I 'die'

Sometimes doing the right thing feels wrong until the aftermath hits.

The whole staff was on our floor in minutes. They bursted through the door just as Jeongyeon had thrown a backpack on her back.

"Hey, what's going on?!" She sounded so calm but panicked. They tore the room apart until the found her stash under the mattress. There had to be at least, 7 big ziplock bags under there. She was on the floor with her hands behind her back in seconds. Once restraint she was taken down the stairs. I don't know where but when she came back a week later, she did not look good.

She was in a wheelchair, someone always pushing her. She would mumble to herself and shake her leg. She was always shaking something. Her hair has lost that golden blonde color and her natural color covered her roots. Her eyes carried heavy bags and her arms were covered in a beige shirt with the sleeves tied around her back. Her head hung low and it wasn't hard to tell her bangs had grown passed her eyes, maybe even nose.

"Hey, Jeongyeon, look I'm sorry about that-"

"Go away, go away.." Her voice had lost the sweet tone and now is just monotone.

"Okay but let me just apol-"

"Go, go, go, go.." Her voice trailed off and she started wiggling in her seat.

"Jeongye-" I yelped.

She launched herself out of the wheelchair and on top of me. She repeatedly banged her head on my shoulder. Her supervisor was over in seconds.

"Back to the room."

Oh my god.

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