Chapter 1

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It was another hot day at the site. I was hunched over some drawings with some of my crew, going over our project. The Viaduct rehabilitation was and actual success. Even though I started two weeks late, everything was finished in time and in accordance to every guideline. It was my baby, my first. This project was the third one in a row. It was Crawford Street Bridge and this project was going slowly. It had a lot of structural damage and presented me with many set backs. I was starting to get frustrated, but at the same time I appreciated the challenge. As I was discussing yet another fix for yet another problem that presented it self, my phone rang. It was Samson, Mr. Porter's assistant.

"Hi Samson. What can I do for you?"

"Hey Mila. Mr. Porter wanted you to know that he needs you in a meeting tomorrow morning at 10. It is with representatives of a company called LC Materials and Services."

"I'll be there, but I don't understand how I can help. Surely someone from procurement would be better suited."

"From what I understood, the company offers custom made products and are mainly centered around bridge and road works. You'll be there to look over the specs and see if what they offer is really as good as they claim."

"No problem. I'll be there first thing."

I hang up and roll my eyes. I hate being in meetings, and luckily they are very few and in between. Mostly they are a waste of time and every company offers different products that preform exactly the same as all others, only with different prices. Via Global has a standard to uphold and we only deal with tested and approved materials. I of course have my preference for certain materials and never stray from my choices. I doubt that LC Materials and Services are about to change my mind and convince me that what they offer is superior.

The rest of the day goes by in a flash and by 4:30 I dismiss everyone and tell them to go home. When I walk through the door of Shawn's house I hear music and people talking and laughing. I make my way towards the noises and see Shawn, Nate, and five other guys and a few girls in the back patio.

"Hey, you're home!", says Shawn and smiles.

"Yeah, I just got in." I go to him and kiss him. I taste alcohol and weed on his lips.

"Hey Mila, join us.", says Nate.

"I would love to, but I have to take a shower. I've been on site all day."

"Riiiight, you're the construction worker.", slurs one of the guys that I don't recognize.

"Engineer", I correct him.

"Okay", he says as if it's all the same and continues to smoke his joint.

The girls, I also don't recognize, but they are sprawled comfortably in their bikinis next to the pool. I turn to head upstairs to shower and change when Shawns walks in after me and takes my hand.

"Everything okay? How was today?", he says and I see the familiar concern in his eyes.

"Everything is fine. I just feel filthy and want to take a shower."

"Okay. Will you come hang after?"

"I'm not sure. Who are these people anyway?"

"Some guys from the studio, friends from a while back", he explains.

"It's just I haven't seen them before and I thought I knew all your friends. And the girls?"

"It's no big deal, it's just some people that I used to hang with. Some of them are out of town and that's why you haven't met them. As for the girls, they are some of the guys girlfriends, I don't know them very well."

"Okay. I'll head up." I say and turn to leave.

Shawn pulls me back and into his arms, puts his hands on either side of my face and kisses me. Whatever else is going on in the world I can not not light up when he touches me. I feel the familiar burn, the electricity that runs through me, and surrender. Our kiss starts to grow deeper and I move my hands to the back of his head and rake my fingers through his hair.

"Hey! Stop it you two! Move it upstairs!", yells one of the guys from the group.

I pull away from Shawn, annoyed at his new "friend". Shawn turns slowly towards him and glares at him.

"I'm going up.", I say to Shawn.

"Want me to come with you?", he asks with a mischievous grin on his face.

"That sounds like an ide..." before I finish the sentence another guy comes next to Shawn, puts an arm around his neck and pulls him back.

"Dude where's the beer? We're out?", says the surfer looking dude I do not recognize.

"Get the fuck off Nick!", yells Shawn and pushes him back.

"Hey, hey. Sorry.", says Nick, putting his hands up in surrender.

"It's ok, stay, have fun. I will see you later.", I say to Shawn to ease the tension and kiss him on the cheek.

"You sure?", he asks.

"Yeah, I'm tired anyway.", I say and head towards the stairs.

After I shower I put on one of Shawn's t-shirts, sprawl on the bed and turn on the TV. I must have fallen asleep because I am awoken by Shawn trailing kisses down my back. I moan and squirm under his touch. I feel a smile form on his lips as he keeps kissing me downward. When he reaches my panty line he turns me on my back and slides them off. The moment his lips touch my slit I gasp and arch my back. He continues teasing me gently with his tongue and I run my fingers through his hair. He severs contact and slides on top of me, and I can feel that he is naked and hard. He starts sucking on my nipple and I nearly lose it right then. I moan his name and he groans.

"I love when you say my name like that", he says and slides inside me. I moan in pleasure and push his hips further with my hands. He starts moving with a slow and sensual rhythm and I start begging him to go faster. I feel like I'm on the edge, and he purposefully keeps me there.

"Please Shawn", I moan.

"What baby? What do you want? Tell me.", he groans and starts pushing deeper.

"You. Harder. Please."

He obliges and starts thrusting harder and deeper and in no time I explode into million pieces. He is right there with me and collapses on top of me.

"God I love you.", he says between breaths and spoons me.

"Mmm, love you too." I say and drift off to sleep.

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