Chapter 16

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The next morning I am in a hurry to leave for work. I slept in, which has never happened before and right now I am a mess trying to get dressed and ready. I sprint through the door and slam so hard into somebody that I fall flat on my ass.

"Miss Hoffman! I apologise, I didn't see you there."

I hear a deep baritone voice and look up. In front of me stands a mountain of a man in a suit. He is not so tall, but he is buff. He has dark eyes, dark eyebrows and a shiny bald head. He lends me a hand a helps me get up. I have a feeling who this is is, but introductions are necessary none the less.

"Call me Mila please. And you are the security if I am not mistaken?"

"Yes Miss... Mila. My name is Julio Sanchez. I'll be here to pick you up and drop you off to work and back, as well as any other place where you are going."

"Nice to meet you Julio. Were you explained the terms of this agreement? I realise it is unorthodox, and you'll be more of a chauffeur than anything, so I want to make sure you are ok with it."

Yes Miss, I understand completely. You don't have to worry."

"Mila, please. When did you get here? I didn't hear you ring the bell."

"I didn't. I got here last night."

"What? You were outside my door the entire night?!"

"Y...Yes." he seems taken aback by my reaction.

"We'll have to figure that out. You can't stand outside my door all night. That's inhumane."

"Don't worry, it is my job I am trained and used to it."

"Nevertheless I don't like it. You can stay in the living room from now on. Also we need to hurry I am late. Are you trained in race-car driving by any chance? Because those skills would be great right now."

"Not race-car driving, but I can get you there in no time."

He gestures towards the elevator and I rush in. We get to the garage and I am more running than walking towards my car. When we reach it I grab the driver door and hear Julio clear his throat. I forgot, he's supposed to be driving me. I throw him the keys and sprint to the passenger seat.

I reach the site in a really short amount of time and I am really impressed bu Julio's driving. He's a real pro and I felt safe the entire time.

"What time should I be here?" he asks.

"Um I don't know exactly. I could call or text you to let you know." I offer.

He gives me his number and I am off to meet my team. The day goes by in a flash. I am emerged in work and it is a welcome distraction. Towards the end of the day I get my phone and see a message from Logan.

What time can I pick you up?

I forgot to call him today, and to be honest I don't know how to handle this situation. I can't avoid him, and I don't feel like making the same mistake twice with someone who doesn't deserve it. I will have to tell him something, some part so he doesn't get the wrong idea. I write out a text.

I'll be done in about 30 mins. Sound good?


Next I write a message to Julio telling him to drive my car home because I have a ride with my... boyfriend.... I had to call him something. I also tell him that I will let him know about his engagement for the rest of the day. See, I knew this bodyguard thing wasn't going to work.

I return to put away my sketches and start closing up shop when my phone rings. It's Shawn. I agreed to always pick up when he called, and luckily he didn't decide to call say, 30 minutes later than this.

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