Chapter 13

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I am startled awake by my phone ringing. It takes me a few seconds to remember where I am at, and as I look around, I lock eyes with Logan. He smirks and hands me the phone. I see it's Jesse calling.

"Hey Jess, whats up?" I say groggy.

"What's up is I couldn't reach you for days, and was about to send a search party for you. What the hell Mila? You couldn't send me a text that you're ok?"

"I'm sorry I worried you. I didn't mean to, I just have a lot going on."

"I know you do. I've seen the photos and I also know that stuff has been building up for a while. What I don't understand is how you and me got to this point. Did I ever do or say anything that made you feel like you couldn't confide in me? That you couldn't call me? That I would not be there for you no matter what?"

"What?No! Of course not! I'm really sorry I haven't called you. I promise it will never happen again. I just needed some time, alone. I didn't want to talk about it with anyone."

"Okay... I guess I can understand that. I'll be here when you do."

"Thanks Jess. Listen, can I call you back when I get home?"

"This better not be you ghosting me again!"

"No, no, I promise. I'm just headed home." I lie.

"Ok, but I want to talk to you about your birthday. I was planning on coming to Toronto next month.
Call me as soon as you get home."

"I promise." I say and we hang up.

I turn to Logan and he's already watching me like a hawk. I can't believe I fell asleep on his couch, and that he let me. I throw the blanket off me and sit up.

"Um, I better go." I start.

"I'll drive you." he offers.

"Thank you. I appreciate it." I say and start to get up.

He goes to the kitchen counter and grabs his car keys but I have another idea.

"Is it ok if we take the bike?" I ask and hope I haven't overstepped.

"Really?!" he says surprised and I nod.

"Your wish..." he says and picks up the keys to the bike.

"You're going to be cold like this. Here, put this on." he says and hands me his zip up hoodie.

It's huge on me and it smells like him. I like his scent, it calms me.

"You know what? Maybe you cold teach me to ride a bike." I say.

"Oh angel, I could teach you so many things..." he smirks.

"It will be my immense pleasure." he adds.

We get on the bike and a short ride later we are in front of my building. He parks and I get off and hand him my helmet.

"Can I walk you up?" he says.

"I think I got it from here. Thank you for today, I had fun." I say grinning like an idiot.

"I aim to please." he returns the smile.

Just then he grabs my wrist, pulls me towards him and gives me another earth shattering kiss. Those kisses make me forget everything, and it's like they give me oxygen to breathe. Logan chases away my demons and I feel so at ease around him.
He pulls away first this time, and lays his forehead against mine.

"You either stop that or invite me up angel."

"Not until you beg for it." I say using his words and back away.

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