Chapter 6

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(Photo on top of what Mila is wearing at the mixer)

I am brought back to reality when I hear my name being called. I wasn't listening to what one of my team members was saying about the type of asphalt we should use. I wipe sweat from my forehead and try to concentrate on the topic.

It has been about a week since Shawn and I had our fight and neither of us made the first move to call or text. Brooke brought almost all of my stuff that night, and I was surprised that he told her to pack everything. I was also pissed. I didn't feel like I was wrong, so I wasn't going to call first. My phone rings in my pocket and it's Brian.

"Hey, wassup?" I ask playfully.

"I'm reminding you about tonight."

"What's tonight?"

"The annual mixer. Don't tell me you forgot and made other plans!"

"I forgot, but I haven't made any other plans."

"Great! What time should I pick you up? 8 sound good?"

"Yeah, sounds great! See you tonight."

The annual mixer is a huge party Via throws every year for it's employees and associates. It is a big event with about 600 people and it is almost always held at some hotspot restaurant bar in town. It was the event every employee waited for, mostly because they got drunk and hooked up like they were in high school again. It was also a reason to dress and impress. I was surprised to actually feel excited to go. I knew it would be different from when I go out with Shawn and I was happy that nobody knew or cared who I was in the professional environment.

By 7 p.m. I am freshly showered and with fresh mani-pedi. I pull my hair up in a tight low bun, and decide on a crisp, white dress with a slit down the front and spaghetti straps. I pair it with gold jewelry and gold, heeled sandals. Brian is right on time and I spritz a little perfume and am out the door.

"Wow! You look amazing!" says Brian wide eyed.

"Thank you! And stop looking at me like that, it's weird." I say and smile.

"Kristen will meet us there." he says and we drive off in his latest model Chevy Malibu.

When we arrive, it takes us a little while to find parking and by the time we go in the venue is full. Everyone is here and I go about to make my rounds and greet everybody. When I am done I see Kristen and Brian standing near the bar talking and they wave me over.

"That was exhausting. I need a drink.", I say.

"The game has to be played.", says Kristen and I know she understands.

"What's your poison?" asks Brian.

"Vodka lemon please."

A second later Brian appears with my drink and we all toast. We are deep in conversation when Kristen interrupts.

"Khm, khm! Hunk at 3 o'clock." she whispers to us as I turn and try to figure out who she means.

I doesn't take me much to notice the dark hair and icy blue eyes. It's Logan and he is talking to some people on the other side of the room. I don't want to be caught staring so I turn back to Kristen and Brian.

"I'm ready for another. How about you guys?" I ask them and motion towards my empty glass.

"Sure I'll go get them." offers Kristen.

She comes back with a tray with our three drinks and 6 shots.

"Oh no! I'm not doing shots, I can't get drunk here." I say and put my hands up.

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