Chapter 1: The Battle Against the Slaver

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For the next ten years (F/N) is a slave to those that killed his parents. The well-dressed man whose name (F/N) finds out to be Roderick is a rogue devil. He killed his master about 20 years before attacking the (L/N) home. Ever since then he as being dealing in slave trade and collecting rare items. Roderick puts special bands on (F/N)'s arms that block out his memories, and force him to obey Roderick's every command. (F/N) is trained in swordplay and stealth, quickly becoming the strongest servant Roderick has. Just as when he was a child (F/N) spends a lot of time reading. Although now the books are often about military tactics, swordplay, and magic.

Roderick's Lair

(F/N) enters a five story mansion carrying a woman that has clearly been knocked. "Here is another one boss," (F/N) states flatly. "Well done (F/N). My slave trading has really picked up, thanks to you I have made millions. The best part is I get to break in all the slaves since you are skilled at finding virgins," Roderick replies. Not thinking anything of his master's comments (F/N) returns to his room in the mansion to start reading while Roderick looks lustfully at the new woman.

Four Great Satan's Chamber in Hell.

A crimson haired man addresses his comrades known as the four Great Satans saying, "We have finally located Roderick's lair." "That is great Sirzechs," a girl happily chimes in. "Now we can go and kill that piece of trash." "Not so fast Serafall, we are sending Rias's peerage to take care of him," Sirzechs states. "But why, he has killed hundreds of devils. It would be better to send stronger devils" Serafall says sadly. "After all the damage that Roderick has done to the Germory family, it seems only fitting that one of our family members takes care of him. Also I trust Rias to be just fine. After all she does have the Red Dragon Emperor with her," Sirzechs responds. "Oh alright, fine, have it your way" Serafall huffs.

The street in front of Roderick's Mansion

A group of high school students appear out of several teleportation circles. Among their numbers are Issei Hyoudou (the Red Dragon Emperor), Kiba (a handsome blonde boy that looks like a movie star), Xenovia (a blue haired girl in a black combat suit carrying a giant sword), Koneko (a small white-haired girl wearing gloves with cat prints on them), Rossweisse (a taller women with silver hair), Asia (a friendly blonde haired girl), Gaspar (a small easily frightened boy with red eyes), Akeno (a black haired women), and Rias Gremory (a women with blood red hair). Out of a different white circle came Irina with her chestnut brown hair in twin tails. The group all gathers to discuss the attack plan before heading in. The plan is to use Kiba's speed to dispatch the guards in the front garden area, then rush in blocking the exit as Roderick has a tendency to run when cornered.

The group begins their attack. Kiba takes out two of the four guards at the doors in a split second. However, the third guard sends off a warning to alert those inside the mansion. When Roderick sees it he begins laughing and turning to Solon says, "Get the elite soldiers ready it looks like we are going to get to play with some more devils." Solon quickly summons several other large men and they stand ready at the front doors. As the attacking force reaches that door Solon throws the doors open beginning a counter strike. He swings his large sword at Kiba, who dodges it. As Kiba turns to attack him he is knocked down by a swift kick from another guard. Xenovia and Kiba manage to drive Solon and his attack force further from the door allowing the others to enter.

As Roderick sees that remainder of the group entering the mansion he exclaims, "Welcome, I am so glad you all could make it to your funeral." After this he uses levitating magic to throw several spears at the entering guests. The group was not expecting this, but thanks to Gaspar's Balar view he was able to freeze the spears in time saving several lives. Roderick screams, "(F/N) go take out those pests. Leave the two big chested girls to me though I want to have some fun with them. Before they see it coming (F/N) darts out of the shadows kicking Gaspar against the wall knocking him out. Issei quickly reacts using his balance breaker and engages (F/N) in combat. Asia runs to Gasper to start healing him. Several other guards specializing in offensive magic begin attacking Irina, Rossweisse, and Koneko. Akeno and Rias rush forward to make sure Roderick doesn't escape.

The battle remains at a stalemate for several minutes until a bang is heard and Kiba goes flying through the wall. Solon had landed a solid punch on him and knocked him out cold. This causes Issei to be distracted for a second allowing (F/N) to stab him in the stomach using his sword. (F/N) prepares to deliver a killing blow but is blocked by Irina, who has recognized who he is. She screams at him, "Don't you recognize me we were friends. Why are you doing this?" (F/N) just looks at her with a cold stare and says, "I have no past, or friends, only my master." After which he kicks her in the stomach. Koneko quickly rushes forward having dealt with the guards assaulting her to confront (F/N).

A scream is heard outside as Solon slices Xenovia's midsection. However, before he can finish her Roderick yells, "Get in here Solon, these girls are giving me too much trouble." Akeno and Rias have managed to pin Roderick against the wall and are continually assaulting him using magic, while he blocks. Solon rushes forward swinging his sword. He nearly takes Akeno's head off but she dodges just in time. Now engaged in a two on two battle Rias and her queen Akeno quickly lose ground and have to go on the defensive.

Meanwhile (F/N) has managed to knock Koneko to the ground using an earth based spell that summons rocks out of the air dropping them on Koneko. He raises his hands preparing to drive his sword through her heart. However, Irina seeing an opening grabs Kiba's sword lying by his unconscious body and along with her sword flies over cutting the bands around (F/N)'s wrists. Immediately, (F/N) drops his weapon grabbing his head screaming in pain as his memories rush back. Roderick looks over and yells at (F/N), "Get off the ground crying and get to killing those pests down there." Solon also looks and sees the pieces of the bands now lying on the ground. He yells at Roderick, "We need to get out of here fast! The memory bands we had on (F/N) have been cut!" "OH, SHIT," Roderick screams. He then unleashes a powerful wave of magic that knocks both Akeno and Rias to the ground. Solon and Roderick make a break for the secret back door.

(F/N) with his head still pounding realizes what they are trying to do. Now fully aware that Roderick and Solon are responsible for his parents' death he rushes at them with lightning speed. Solon stops and yells at Roderick, "Keep going I will hold him off." Solon turns to face (F/N), and says, "You don't stand a chance against me. You are just a foolish child." (F/N) using ice magic summons and throws ice lances at Solon. This distracts Solon long enough to leave an opening. (F/N) takes it to swing his sword and Solon's head. Solon manages to block it but quickly realizes that it was also a front as a blade light appears in (F/N)'s other hand and goes straight into his chest. Being a devil, this hurts Solon beyond description. Luckily for him it doesn't last long as (F/N) then proceeds to cut his head off. Without wasting a second of time (F/N) returns to his pursuit of Roderick out the secret door.

Backyard of the mansion.

Roderick would have escaped however Akeno, Rias, and Irina were pursuing him as well. Roderick uses levitation magic once again to throw several hidden knives he had in his jacket. Immediately afterward he sends another shock-wave of magic at the girls momentarily stunning them. This however, bought (F/N) enough time to catch up. He runs at Roderick in his blind rage. Roderick uses the rest of his knives with levitation magic and sends them flying at (F/N). Five knives connect cutting (F/N)'s stomach and liver. He collapses to the group. Roderick then summons a teleportation circle to leave. Right before he goes through the nearly dead (F/N) summons and throws a spear of light at Roderick. It goes to his leg as he travels through the teleportation circle. (F/N) then collapses to the ground.

Irina runs to his side and yells for Asia to come and help him. Rias turns to her saying, "Why the hell would we help someone that moments ago was trying to kill us and nearly did kill both Koneko and Gasper." Irina turns to Rias with tears in her eyes and says, "He couldn't control his own actions. They had some kind of spell on him with the bands that were around his wrists. As soon as I cut them off, he started to try and kill Roderick. Also if it wasn't for him we probably all would have ended up dead as we were losing that battle." Rias sighs, "Fine, but we are taking him as a prisoner and will find out everything he knows about Roderick so we can catch him."

Nardarion18: I apologize if the action is somewhat hard to follow. During a battle with multiple characters it can be hard to explain exactly what I see going on in my head. Any comments would be greatly appreciated. 

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